FTA Status


Silver Member
Username: Mc_sunny

Post Number: 178
Registered: Feb-06
9/11/06 --> {ALL Brands} ALL FTA's Working!!!
Ok, BL and other coders did NOT perform any miracles as some have suggested to magically get all the FTA units up and running. It looks like Charlie is up to something. Reports suggest that ALL units with current keys should be up. Many reports are saying that they have removed the Map57 to get ready for something such as upgrading the rev for 102's to rev10B and 103's to rev30B. These are now confirmed but still not on the card. Once the cards are updated, I'm sure that the map57 routine will be resumed and we shall see where we sit at that point.

9/07/06 --> {ALL Brands} If you rescan 110/119 you will get working PPV VOD's in the high 5000's (5817 to 5830). Not sure how long this will last.

8/30/06--> Working: Sonicview PVR1000
8/23/06--> Working: Viewsat PVR7000
8/22/06--> Working: Buzz S2010f Plus
8/22/06--> Working: Buzz S2010f
8/19/06--> Working: Sonicview SV1000
8/13/06--> Working: Viewsat Xtreme
8/13/06--> Working: Viewsat Platinum

Temporary FTA fixes such as card sharing or emu are listed below.

9/07/06--> Working Temp Fix: Co0lsat 4K, 5K, 6K (w/ "auxed" Rom103 in the card slot) [emulation]
9/01/06--> Working Temp Fix: Magnum XV3300 (w/ "auxed" Rom103 in the card slot) [emulation]
8/17/06--> Working Temp Fix: ExtremeView Magnum (w/ "auxed" Rom102 in the card slot) [emu]
7/20/06--> Working Temp Fix: Co0lsat 4000 (w/ "auxed" Rom102 in the card slot) [emu]
7/19/06--> Working Temp Fix: Co0lsat 5000/6000 (w/ "auxed" Rom102 in the card slot) [emu]
7/15/06--> Working Temp Fix: SkyView RX600 (with card sharing only) [you have to supply your own cs server access]
7/14/06--> Working Temp Fix: CaptiveWorks CW-600S (with card sharing only) [you have to supply your own cs server access]
7/12/06--> Working Temp Fix: Neosat IPro 1000 (with card sharing only)
7/11/06--> Working Temp Fix: DVB PCI Card (with card sharing only)
7/10/06--> Working Temp Fix: CaptiveWorks CW-600 Premium (with card sharing only) [not a CW release] -need to do a server thru the DB and share that server with your CW Premium.
7/01/06--> Working Temp Fix: Triple Dragon (with card sharing only)
6/30/06--> Working Temp Fix: Dreambox (with card sharing only)
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