Post Number: 46 Registered: Aug-06 Posted on Monday, September 11, 2006 - 11:12 pm:
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well, i have 2 LNB's on my Dish500, with 2 coax connectors from each, used for 2 recievers (110 and 119). When i change channels on 1 reciever, the other one stops until i change the channel and change it back.
TDG (Total-Dik-Guy) Silver Member Username: Totaldikguy
Post Number: 144 Registered: Jul-06 Posted on Tuesday, September 12, 2006 - 03:23 am: ANSWER: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kirby, I know how to fix it. It is caused by "voltage drop". To prove to you that I am right, try unplugging one of the coax from behind of one of the receivers, and you will never see that problem on the other receiver (vice versa). And also you will notice that the signal quality of the receiver will increase (watch the bar). Unfortunately, it is the LEGACY LNB that is causing this issue. If you want it resolved, you need to replace them with the DishPro. 1.The best one would be the DP quad LNB. It has 4 feeds (one for each receiver), no need to install switch. It has a built-in switch. 119 is switch 1, and 110 is switch 2, when you go to your antenna set-up. 2.Second option is the DP dual LNB. It's the same as the DP quad LNB, but, it has two outpus only. Same way installation too. NOW, DO NOT get confused with the DP TWIN LNB. YOU WILL HAVE A PROBLEM IF YOU GET THAT. DP twin LNB is not the same as DP dual LNB. DP twin, has a third coax connector, which is not an output, it is an INPUT for a third LNB (coming from another dish). 3.Third option, you can replace those 2 LNBs that you have, with exactly the same "look", but has a DP logo behind it, and it will work also, but may cost more to buy two. It is called Dual output Single DP LNB. ***The first and second option will not require a diseqc switch, which is much better. The 1st option can be used for upto 4 receivers. ***Do not get the DP Plus logo. It should say DP only. ***Right now you have 4 COAX (total) coming from your LNBs (2 from each LNBs). With the 1st and 2nd option, it will only be 2 cables. From the LNB straight to the receiver.
Evam if you are trying to fix my problem, that is NOT my problem.
Ok guys lets get to know me a little.
1. I do EVERYTHING possible to my knowledge before asking questions. 2. I know what im talking about MOST of the time. 3. I am not here to ask where to get the latest bins or what the current keys here are.
So, please dont treat me like someone who doesn't know. I HAVE tried running the latest bins again. I HAVE tried switching out all new wires. I DID NOT know i had SUCKY @$$ LNB's because i DID NOT install my dishes outside. As said in the other post, i had them installed by some guys that ripped us off when i knew nothing about this stuff.
Now, this message serves as a B - Bring U - Up M - My P - Post
So that TDG can answer my question, meaning you do not even have to reply to me. Just know that im not like most people here.