Since you seem to imply you've read, you would have saved yourself a lot of trouble if you'd just looked in your receiver set up to realize that you have two types of Polarities! "Vertical" and "Horizontal"! Circular........
Kevin, there is no question here, just a comment. If you ask a specific question, I may be able to help, but I can't guess what it is you're looking for. As I understand it, you were asking about polarities and what LNB's to use. That's why I said you needed a Circular LNB at least for D-Network. But I referred you to Lyngsat as they pretty much have all birds and polarization listed there. Like I said, if you have a specific quetion, ask! Otherwise I can't help you.
My bad. I understood it to be you were trying to find out what the polarization was for the different sats! Just FYI, if you look at your TP settings on your receiver, you'll see that the signal is set to V & H even though it's a Circular LNB! Meanwhile if you go to Lyngsat it lists the Signal as L & R. Sorry if I misread your question.