A TWIN LNB is one LNB that carries on a single cable both 110-119 signals to each receiver (has 2 outputs for 2 receivers) cause it has a built in switch that combines the 2 different satellite signals...same with a Quad LNB which has 4 outputs...all other LNB's need some sort of switch to combine signals...switch type depends upon LNB type, how many LNB's, how many receivers, and what type receivers (Dishnet or FTA)..a simple 4x1 disque switc ($7) is usually used for 2 single or dual LNB's and 1 FTA receiver..dual LNB and TWIN are NOT the same...a dual LNB receives only 1 sat signal with 2 outputs for 2 receivers...Twin receives 2 sat signals aand has 2 outputs as well
Twin really has 2 LNB's but are are joined together as 1 unit...Dual has 1 LNB...both have 2 outputs for 2 receivers ONLY,, NOT 2 different satellites signals..