Silver Member Username: Pirate_petePost Number: 455 Registered: May-06 | Is to cough up the coin and BUY it,that CHEAP motherf*cker !!! |
Bronze Member Username: Albino_midgetPost Number: 95 Registered: Jul-06 | irate pete, stop crying and cough up the coin CHEAP motherf*cker !!! |
Silver Member Username: Pirate_petePost Number: 457 Registered: May-06 | Who's crying,I've got glitched dp322's and digial cable for backup. |
Bronze Member Username: Albino_midgetPost Number: 96 Registered: Jul-06 | then why worry about bl must be just a loud mouth, lets stir things up |
Silver Member Username: Pirate_petePost Number: 459 Registered: May-06 | Just telling like it is. |
Bronze Member Username: JrqPost Number: 29 Registered: Jul-06 | Maybe Pirate pete is being a little blunt but he's no far from the truth. PS is losing a lot of market share and brand reputation with every day that passes. From a pure business position, they would have been wise to pay for the fix. I don't think they could afford NOT to buy it. Customer loyalty is nine-tenths of success in any retail market, and PS has/had a very loyal support base. That base is eroding by the minute. |
Silver Member Username: Smarcus76Post Number: 184 Registered: May-06 | well guys, thats how i see it ,We want a company that can invest on us and not leave us in the dark,Viewsat coudnt figure it out the way out so they were forced to pay and they got the fix,now what?! MR. pansat is too cheap to spend money on quality customers that has been with him all those years. thats sad. (2 week makes a big difference when we are having ECM's left and right) |
Silver Member Username: Rufa33Post Number: 165 Registered: Jun-06 | Well, Pirate pete ... you have a big mouth. If you said your opinion without the harsh words, we could understand your rage. BL or others are not working for you or for me. You know for sure before you purchased your Pansat that is illegal to watch uncle Dave. DN are defending their profit. If BL or others provide the fix or Pansat using their money to keep us happy. You are totally wrong in understanding loyal customers. The only way pansat as a manufacture will hear our screaming is by stopping buying their receivers, as we already know, they have had big plans on PVR. Reality shortly will show up. Who lost money ? we at the end road. What Pansat will do they will change the name and start selling a new brand ? got it ? so big bad words shows just the true person behind it.. Never helped or solved anything. With all respect. |
Bronze Member Username: DoaPost Number: 43 Registered: Jul-06 | Don't be putting all the blame on BL. BL is supported by Pansat. If Pansat decided not to buy the code, then that is where your finger needs to be pointed. It's no different than when Fortec decided not to do any further support in the U.S. market for the Lifetime owners, PAL fixes kept comming out, and no NTSC. Fotecs response was "you need to buy a new receiver". Pansat Writes The Checks. That's the bottom line. (bunch of misdirected fools in here metter mutter mutter) |
Bronze Member Username: KyazsPost Number: 17 Registered: Jun-06 | that K0riAn motherflower ( owner of pansat ) cheap a-$$.. dude wont even spend a dime on us.. we should stop fu@king with our Time and Give up on pansat.. BL is not the Blame .. DAmn Cheap a$-$$$ koRiAn Man... Got 5 jobs and dont spent a penny.. i think thats why thy all drive benz |
Silver Member Username: BirdwatcherPost Number: 337 Registered: Jul-06 | well im sure pansat is losing out on sales right now because your average person doesnt buy anything he doesnt know about unless a friend recomended it or something. Im sure right now alot of people are telling their friends not to buy pansat, but to buy viewsat instead. |
Bronze Member Username: BoboshanSomewhere, Out There Post Number: 21 Registered: Jul-06 | Why is all the focus on Pansat? I agree, they should have invested the money for the fix, it's not Blacklist's fault but what about c**lsat? Last year everyone was saying that was the best unit to get, and now they're out in the cold too. In fact every provider that doesn't have a working fix right now are not looking after their customers; people who purchased their units trusting them to support them. Ideally, all the major fta providers should have pooled their money and got the info needed, but then again, why would they - they are all in competition with each other. I am reluctant to go out and buy a vs only to find that after the next ecm, they too leave us out in the cold. It could happen. Look at the money they are making right now. Once the sales start declining they could say "hey, we made our coin - now screw the customer". It's all a gamble I know; it's a chance we take, but I don't trust any of them to still be around tomorrow. |
Silver Member Username: Pirate_petePost Number: 462 Registered: May-06 | Well , was I right? |