BEWARE mili's subs busted? C&P


Silver Member
Username: Jurj1

Post Number: 147
Registered: Jul-06
This a C&P from H@shhu from TDG:
"Guys i had a sub thru dsftp and my tv went black this evening. Well i got this e-mail and it looks like everyone else that subbed with them did too.Im scared shitless could this be real?

To: DSSFTP End-User

From: DISH Network Signal Integrity

Subject: DISH Network Signal Theft Investigation

DISH Network Signal Integrity (DNSI) along with security provider NagraStar, has been conducting an investigation into a scheme designed by to defraud DISH Network.

This office has obtained information that you have been receiving programming for which you are not authorized. The investigation has revealed that you have had a receiver(s) activated on accounts associated with You may be liable to D*sh Network for substantial damages.

The purpose of this email is to (1) advise you that your receiver(s) on these accounts have been disabled; (2) inform you that an investigation has confirmed the accuracy of the information; (3) and, that the investigation is ongoing.

You may contact us directly in order to discuss your options from 12:00 noon - 5:00 p.m. EST Monday through Friday. If you call outside these hours, leave your name and number and we will return your call. You can reach us at 1 800 562-2764.

DISH Network Signal Integrity

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Below is a few posts from mili....C&P

Well it seems someone ran a brute force password cracker on the admin panel of the subsciptions program on my site then emailed every one of the subscribers a fake email deamanding this and that. I changed the password and put a .htaccess restriction on the interface. The only thing they got was receiver and cam IDs and emial addresses. Sorry guys there are a lot of @ssholes out there who spend 24-7 trying to screw me over. Ignore the emails they sent and I will email you all once I am satisfied they idiots are locked out.


I was out all day running errands so I am just trying to catch up on this. I understand that many of the subs are down with red guide but not all. So most likely whover broke in was kind enough to send the CAM ID/Receiver ID and email address list to dishnet and had them turned off and indeed the letters originated from them. There is no customer data at all that was compromised only email addresses. This sucks @ss indeed. Let me catch up on this and will post as soon as I got more info. Do not under any circumstances acknowledge the receipt of the email. They only got an email address nothing more.

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I am sorry guys I f#cked up indeed. No excuse. The good thing is no names addresses nothing was compromised except email addresses and card/IRD numbers.

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C & P

Some accounts are still up and your guess is as good as mine why. It maybe down tomorrow who knows. Watch it while you can.
I got about a 1000 email in my inbox now and I am a one man enterprise. I need you to only email your cust# and if you are up or down. THat is it for now.
And no I don't see how I can go on selling this for now. Camkid lost his job thanks to this.

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reply from a customer...

Thats not a good thing for me. Dish has my e-mail addy from the sub i canceled to get your sub. All they have to do is check who the R0 number was sold to originaly. In my case the email addy will match the one they got from your "f#ck up" I dont think being sorry is gonna keep them from putting 2 and 2 together to find out who alot of us are. I normaly use a different e-mail for things that may be a little shady... This time i didn't.

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Looks like Nagra or someone they hired hacked mili's site. Of course "test" as a password wasn't very hard to brute force & hack in to.

It almost has to be Nagrastar to de-activate the accounts so quickly. Normally they are very slow to respond .. This looks bad for Mili & customers.. Only time will tell, but as you can see Nagrastar has become far more pro-active now and is even sending out letters like dave did. All the more reason why cardless is the safest route. Please people use your heads when doing anything on the net.. Use anonymous email accts. like msn, yahoo & others. If you were using mili's sub or services, DO NOT RESPOND to any emails! For the record, the number in the email IS the CORRECT # for DN Signal Integrity! This is a precautionary warning for our members more than anything else... Be careful out there, Charlie ain't playing nice anymore!.. Be safe & stay close to home."

Bronze Member
Username: Uup115

Post Number: 11
Registered: Jul-06
Look like I said in another post:
"if you think back to the days of D@ve, for years it was fix after fix after fix, card swap, then fix after fix and then all of a sudden D@ve asked for help from the govt. and things became very difficult to "fix" for testers.
Now, the birds in orbit are mostly Huges areospace technology, a govt. contracted agency that provides high tech data around the world to military forces and other agencies. Also, I know from my com-sec training in the @ir Force that these data encryptions are superior than that of commercial data encryptions such used in DSS worlds. Obviousely because enemy nations can't crack the signals (encrypted signal sent on specific cycle and the reciever set in synch with the specific cycle and a different box to decode the signal) how can testers? Now, once D@ve was granted help, the people at Hughs used some techniques to "fix" testers little red wagon. If foreign nations can't crak our data, what makes testers think they can. Seems to me, just like D@ve, Dish has taken the next step just like D@ve has."

They will most likely do everything D@ve did in the past. Trust me on this. The game has been changing mirroring 4 years ago.

Remember that old saying, if you can't do the time don't do the crime.

Silver Member
Username: Pirate_pete

Post Number: 422
Registered: May-06
"OLY SH*T ,Is this fer real? hehehe.....

Bronze Member
Username: Bobby29134

Post Number: 38
Registered: Aug-06
this is badddd badd news.. did i mention bad?

Bronze Member
Username: Ouchi_collashi

Post Number: 34
Registered: Aug-06
What the hell is dish networks problem? They let each household use 4 receivers so they are. The people pay their money so dish can f*uck themselves.

Silver Member
Username: Totaldikguy

Post Number: 107
Registered: Jul-06
Bad news!

Silver Member
Username: Pirate_pete

Post Number: 428
Registered: May-06
So much fer sub sharing, who's site is next?hehehehe....
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