remember bl is a company spokesman, in a way. he most likly wishes bin will be out in a day, week, 2 weeks, but most likly not. if he makes an annoucement of being real close to a fix, maybe slumped sales will pick up.... or not question is, do you believe everything you see/read in media?
But he put a deadline on his fix, if he does not deliver everyone should go buy a competitor box right away and never buy pansat again. Think about this as well...Viewsat was willing to drop 750,000 on the fix pansat was not! I want to have a receiver with the absolute best support and a company willing to invest in itself.
Whoa, I wouldnt buy ANY right now! Wait till next ecm to see if any rumors are true. Viewsat MAY not come back so fast next time. Buy it if you want of course, but might want to think about buying one of the new higher end ones. Good luck.