Samsung DLP HLN4365W "Check Fan No 2" error


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Username: Hernestor

Post Number: 3
Registered: Aug-06
TV Model: Samsung DLP 43" (HLN4365W)
Bought: April 2004

The set was working perfectly for more than 2 years but suddenly I start getting a blinking message that says "Check fan No. 2"
The image is still fine but the message does not go away. I read some messages in this forum that advise dusting/vacuming the fans, in case they are stuck because of dust build-up. I unplugged everything, did that and the TV was working fine for a few hours until I turned it off. The next time I turned it back on the message reappeared.

Then I opened the cover again and held the safety lever in place with a piece of tape (to be able to turn on the TV without the cover), powered up the TV and in a couple of minutes the message "Check fan No. 2" reappeared exactly when the fan stopped spinning. I was thinking it could be the fan but it could also be the board that controls this fan since the fan spins normally for a awhile and then stops.

Has anyone encounter this error? How do I solve it? Will replacing the fan do the trick?

Thanks in advance

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Username: Fyi

Dallas, Texas

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ron lingl
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Username: Rlingl

Post Number: 2
Registered: Jun-06
Posted on Tuesday, August 22, 2006 - 01:06 pm:

Mine was doing the exact same thing, run for about 5 minutes or so, and the shut would kind of twitch when it shut off....(although it was fan #1)....and it was the fan.....i tried cleaning it out, but it made no difference......i`m sure yours is the fan too......i got a new fan at, they had the best price, but if you dont go with the express shipping, it will take at least a week to get to you!! Good luck!! It was`nt that hard to install and it was only about $45.......
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