first tuesday, then sunday then it will be sometime in september lets face it, no one really know when the bin will come out, it's just a matter of time probably any day now....
Face it Blacklist is a hasbeen programmer and everyone should just go out and buy viewsats until pansat can get a reasonable programmer. The only bin for pansats this month is the garbage bin
Viewsat is working for Pansat now. They are the ones that are working on the problem, they said that they had a minor step back but that it should be out soon.
I do not know what "soon" is, but i trust that it is as soon as possible.
Well the solution is don't buy a pansat. I had luck with them for a while but managed to trade and sell them a few months back when it looked like viewsats were a better choice. Now I'm only stuck with one Pansat clone 3500SD. I use it for true FTA and locals.
BL was turning into a toilet seat cover back when the last ECM was on. Now BL is more like the stuff floating in the bowl. Never trust a zipperhead with something to gain. Bottom line , before you buy a pansat count your money and see how much programming you can buy for it. It will be pretty close to the lifetime of your pansat and at least the money will go to local employees and shareholders instead of a couple of chinks
I also have a 3500sd I'm working on a 102 option so I don't get stuck like it happened last time, but money and time are always an issue so I'll let you know when I get it right.
In this business, being #1 with a fix is everything. Being first out the gate several times in a row is huge. It's not that other receivers suck - it's just that they are slower with a bin.
I don't own a VS and I was not happy with all the BS they spread the past 2 months. Sh1t like "the bin will be out tonight, tomorrow, Tuesday, Friday, by the weekend, by next Wednesday.." But despite all the lies and crap, VS won the race. Nothing else matters if you are now watching PPV.
Being #1 with a fix is everything. Even with all the VS bullshit, I will be honest: if I was shopping for another new receiver, I would buy a VS.
I only have a pansat so of course trying to get onto the two sites supported by BL. All I get is a blank white screen. Even the message about "we are working on it and we have vs's in stock" has gone. Is anyone else having this problem? Sorry to ask on this site about another site but not sure what else to do.
Thanks for the suggestion but that doesn't work for me either. Oh well. A17bar just opened up but nothing new. FTA is a no go. Seems stranges to just get a blank white screen. Hope that they haven't all gone to heaven ....... LOL
Ooopps typo "Seems stranges" should have been "seems strange". Not sure where "stranges" came from .. not paying attention. Thinking about watching ppv someday .... I guess.