try to disconnect the cables from the switch. then re-connect them. that worked for a friend of mine who had the same problem. just make sure your VS is completely turned off before messing with the switch!
What is the "QUALITY" signal shows of that satellite that has no picture? You need to be specific with all your settings WHEN ASKING FOR HELP. You said "one satellite has no channels". And you're asking if anyone has the same problem. HOW DO WE KNOW WHAT SATELLITE WOU ARE TALKING ABOUT?
He is probably talking about Bev and DN satellite....2 different systems and keys...and has NOT let the autoroll to work and input the latest keys yet...autoroll sometimes takes an hour on a satellite provider like DN channel or Bev channel..
I apologiza I should have been more detailed, the satellite is echostar 7. The quality bar is empty but then it shows about 40% when the imgae comes in. If you leave it on a channel for about a minute it the picture comes in but then leaves it doesnt even last a second.
john.sound like your signal is pretty weak,u may need to move the disk a little to get your signal up a little higher.u can't see much in 40%,at least u need about 70% or more.......
minn, whats weird about it is that before the sats when down i used to get both the satellites (110 119) with out any problems, but now only one works. I used to get like 600 channels now I only get about 134.
ViewSat Antenna set up A Menu-installation setup ok B scroll left or right using arrow key on remote to 119 west echo7 C echostar7 1) LNB power ON 2) LNB Type=standar for single legacy LNB or legacy twin LNB1 or legacy quad LNB1 or OCS-DP or dishPRO LNB 3) LNB freq. 11250 4) 22 khz OFF 5) TP freq=1224( use 12339 if 12224 doesn't show green qual.signal strength bar 6) search option all 7)DiSEqC=port1 (none if only using 1 LNB and no usin a switch) 8)motor off ( if none) 9) legacy SW=none if no legacy switch is used;if used ,set to appropriate switch type 10) EXIT and OK to saving settings.
Viewsat REgular Channel Scan 110 or 119 A) Menu-installation-channel-scan--OK B) scroll to 110 or 119 C) DOWNx1 to NETWORK SEARCH=ON D) DOWNx1 to GREEN screwdriver/hammer icon;press OK E) TP1 12224,press OK F) When scan completely,OK to save G) EXIT to GREEN screwdriver/hammer icon;EXIT to INSTALLATION ;EXIT to MAIN MENU.
VIEWSAT SORT CHANNALES BY SID( to get in numerical order(100,101,) A)main menu-edit channales-OK B) LEFT ARROWx1 to highlight last icon ( sort channales list) press OK C) UP ARROWx1 to 'sort by SID" D) press OK;( channales sort in,1 second) E) EXIT.OK to save F)Viewsat updates and save information.."EXIT" to TV screen. NOW) Get your bear.Go surf your channales and enjoy dummyummy.
Warning;do not hookup DiSEqC switch with viesat powered ON Satellites dish 1 or 2 LBBs.Hook LNBs cable to DiSEqC9port 1 to 119;port 2 to 110 With 1 LNB: Hook directly to viewsat without the switch OR trough the DiSEqC switch. your choise With 2 LNB:hook 119 cable switch to port 1/A;hook 110 cable to switch port 2/B THEN 11) VIEWSAT program file 2)"teach 110=119 satinfo.sat. 3) Latest opkey hex 4)LOADER2 5) Unzip files;note stored location on your PC hard drive. install LOADER2
RE Viewsat (AFTER THE FILES ARE STORED IN YOUR PC 1) Plug in viewsat;turn rear POWER switch OFF.connect viewsat to your computer via null modem cable. 2)Open the program""open files",select the viewsat program file to write to viewsat. 3) Click PC-->STB,then power "ON" your viesat9you will see the file loading promptly) 4) WAIT! DO NOT TOUCH VIEWSAT!!! file loads.After file transfer is COMPLETE,the front panel will display :inst" for 15 seconds while it install the software 5) "DONe" for 10 seconds while it performs data housekeeping/cleanup. 6) "ON" displays and viewsat will automatically REBOOT. 7) If connected to a tv,the tv screen comes up ALL by itself. 8) IF no connected to a tv, after "on" display, the front panel goes "0000";NOW power "OFF" viewsat 9) repeat line 1-4 loading satinfo file and the opkey.hex file. THIS way you get what you need.
RE VIEWSAT USER: Read with your head,no with your eyes. General knowledge cann't be adquire by anyone who cann't read both accurately and thoughtfully.
all that is... you installed a new bin and your diseqc settings were reset man... either that... or your LNB type also reset to 10600 instead of 10750 Mhz... thats all. change you settings accordingly. and John... in the future... would help if you say what satellites youre trying to view... "getting one and not the other" doesn't help. for all I know man... I receive way more than just 2 satellites... I use my viewsat for fta... I enjoy my Blackbelt channel on 61.0 Amazonas and some wild feeds in other birds out there.
can someone tell me what am i doing wrong after everything i've done. my signal + quality still on red for VS and i'm not getting any channel, everytime i scan i did failed.