White dot on my dlp


New member
Username: Darren8287

Post Number: 1
Registered: Jul-06
Hello to all,

I have a 3 year old Samsung dlp there is a spot on the screen that appears to be pure light or a bright white spot on the screen. The guy at Samsung said it might be dust on a mirror. I have a repair man comming on friday but if its dust it wont be covered in the extended warranty I know dlp-s don't have pixels if any one has experience with this problem please let me know.

Thanks ,darren

New member
Username: Cyterio

Post Number: 2
Registered: Jul-06
yeah I had the same problem... its just dust on the mirror. Try to keep the fan in the rear clean and this should help keep the dust out.

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Username: Bobby_lee


Post Number: 1
Registered: Aug-06
I also have this problem show up. Is this something I can fix? Thanks

Silver Member
Username: Fyi

Dallas, Texas

Post Number: 787
Registered: May-05
Sure! Take the back off and start with the brushy attachment to your vac hose. Clean everything. Then, remove the lamp housing and check the mirror and lens. Use a soft lint free cloth to gently wipe the surfaces.

New member
Username: Darren8287

Post Number: 2
Registered: Jul-06
Hi Bob,It seems to be a much more serious problem in my tv than in Josh and fyi's sets. The service company told me that I needed a new "light engine" and they would have to take it to there shop for a week "big job; AS HE PUT IT. I don't know for sure if they are hust screwing the warranty company. But i'd be just as happy as a fly in @#$% if they told me not to fix it and cut me a check for the purchase price. Which is a possibitity I got my sammy for $3009 and when I see now what I can get for 3 grand (NEW 60 INCH LCOS)it makes me sick . take care Bob i hope everything works out ,Darren

New member
Username: Cyterio

Post Number: 3
Registered: Jul-06
Yeah they told me the same thing several weeks after I purchased mine. They sent out a tech to swap out the light engine. He opened up the set swapped out the light engine and it had the exact same dot on the screen.... we then found a little spec of what looked to be styrofoam packing stuck to the mirror. Cleaned it up and it was fine. So dont shell out the $1300 unless you rule out that the mirror is dirty.
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