I can use a Dp301 receiver from DISHnet but I have PPV'S that I did not pay for in this receiver. I need some help on how to restore this receiver to it's original factory settings. That way I can use my ROM 102 card on this receiver. Screw FTA's honestly I think that FTA's are done with. We have to switch to plastic it is the only way people. I can't wait any longer I almost went sub sharing with DTV. Now there's 2 FTA stb that work with the plastic soon the rest will follow.
Nothing to do with what you were asking. But with regards to your statement, "FTA is DONE!", I TOTALLY a agree with that. I had DN in the past, which I cancelled last February. Now I can't even get to "re-activate", my account unless I have to purchase my own receivers (I need 4). I even used my wife's name, and different phone #, but still got denied (due to same address). Today, I had called DTV. It's 2 weeks waiting period, but better than "2 years" It will cost me $75/mo (incldg HD), but, at least I get to see some pictures on my 60" & 42" plasmas, than, just a black screen with thick dust building-up each day. We may be wrong about not having a fix for this last ECM, but even if coders get a fix, HOW LONG WILL IT LAST? . Remember, that the last fix only lasted for about A WEEK or so. I can not live with that type of "wait & see". And IF we get a fix? Yes, I will be thankful. If it last, then, I will be more thankful. And If NO FIX comes, not a big deal.
I know that others will not be happy with this post, but I think you guys deserve better than PROMISES, LIES, AND QUESTION MARKS. SO WHY NOT ENJOY TV? Just my 2 cents oppinion...
well "THE BIN CHI CODE" FTA is a hobby always remember that.if you want garanteed tv you should sign up with Dish or DTV. next time try not to hijack someboody elses posting.