CO0LSAT5000 NORW v124 07-19-2006 Release on July 19, 2006 @ 1:00AM by NOrw-Group The implementation of some unknown maprom routines from deep inside the rom102 has made it necessary To "slave" or "aux" the card similar to what was done with emulation during the H and Hu days. This is being done while a cardless solution is worked on. While we know that not everyone has an "open" Rom102 to aux, the Co0lSat hackers decided that at least a partial solution is better than no solution. Borrowing some test code from a very talented card coder (We will leave his/her name out for anonymity sake) We have implemented an "aux" card that is completely safe from the stream so there are no worries about the Card receiving any damage from malicious code. Testers can get this working now by writing the "AuxCard.bn102" to an open rom102 and inserting it into a Co0lSat receiver that has a card slot that is active, along with reprogramming the stb with our new code. The Co0lSat hackers that collectively hacked the box and have now implemented an "aux" card want the folks with Co0lSat receivers to know that if there is a way to provide a solution, short or long term, it WILL be done. Enjoy life, enjoy each other, and now, enjoy some TV. Warning: Use at your own risk
C/P from hashhu X4U732 Status: Offline Registered User
Join Date: Apr 2004 Posts: 46 How To Get Your Cool Sat Working With Card Fix HardWare Needed:
1. You will need a Cool Sat with a card reader 2. open rom 102 3. ISO loader
Software Needed:
1. N2Edit
How To Prepare Your Cool Sat:
1. Unplug the AC power 2. You will need to install the card reader in the Cool Sat by removing the 5 screws that hold the case cover on. There should be two on the bottom and three on the back of your Cool Sat. 3. Place the Cool Sat with the front facing you and you will see the mother board has a plug socket on the bottom right corner. This is where you plug in your card reader. You should hold up on the corner of the motherboard when plugging in the card reader. I have heard of people cracking their motherboard when plugging in the reader, so be careful. 4. Mount the reader to the case and replace the top cover. 5. Write the 125 bin to your Cool Sat just like you would with any other bin.
How To Write Your Card:
1. Connect your ISO loader to your PC and put the 102 card in the loader 2. Open the N2Edit Software. 3. On the N2Edit program click on Card on the Toolbar at the top. This will give you three options choose Read From Card. When it is done it will say Card Image Read Successfully and give a Total Read Time. 4. You will want to save your original bin from your card by clicking on File on the toolbar then choose Save Image and put it somewhere on your PC where you will know where it is in case you need it again down the road. 5. Now click Tools on the toolbar and you will see three options and you select Clean Codespace. Instantly you will see Card Cleaned Successfully under Total Read Time. This actually has not cleaned your card it has only cleaned the image you just read from the card. 6. Now click Card on the toolbar and select Write To Card. When it is finished it will say Card Image Written Successfully and give you the Total Write Time. This step has written the clean image back to the card and now you know for sure that your card is clean and ready to write. 7. Now click File on the toolbar and select the Open Image option. You will then have to find the AuxCard.bn102 File from your PC highlight it and click Open. 8. Now Click Card and select Write To Card. When it is done it will say Card Image Written Successfully and Give the Total Write Time. 9. Now remove your card from the ISO and place in the reader of your Cool Sat.
how to 1. unplug the unit from power. 2. remove 3 screws in the back 3. remove 2 screws one on each side. 4. were the card slides into the front there is a pull out tab on the inside of the unit there is 2 nubs push them very easy toward the center and push outward.Then remove the plastic tab. out the front of the unit. 5.Place the card reader inside the unit.On the side of your co0lsat there is 3 nubs and a screw hole.Line the card reader frame up and put the screw in. 6.Line up the screw hole on the inside of the unit and place the scew in it. tighten that screw inside and on the side of the unit 7.Place a small peace or (2hunting_dad) of card board unter the main board (obe wan thanks for sharing)Or a match book(cspo)and Plug the cord into the slot on the co0lsat mother board. black wire to the left side.Becarful its a tight fit. 7.Place the cover back on and put all screws back in. 8.plug it up to power and its now ready to have the card incerted.
on the picture #1 is the pull out tab and shows were the nubs are. #2 and 3 are screw placement
1. You Will Need a Co0lsat Receiver with a Card Reader.
2. You Will Need a Rom102 Card.(For More Info on what this is, Google Search on Rom102)
3. You Will Need Some Way to Program the Rom102, and UnLock it If Needed (For More Info on what this is, Google Search on Programming/unlocking Rom102).
A. With the Carder reader install. Load the Bin 1.24,
B. Next, There is a File Name AuxCard in, Downloads. once you Learn how to Use a card with #2 and #3. Just Load the AuxCard to the Card.( No other is Needed. no Blockers Etc.)
Hint: If you dont have the Stuff for the Rom102 Might Be a Friend. Just Load the AuxCard.
C. Put the Card it the Co0lsat and it will start working.
I would like to see this great of a step by step to use in a dis*net 2700. Which I have but it is from 04 and i am sure the card I have is useless. I was considering the ROM 102 but I would like to try it with the reciever I have.