Wednesday came and gone // 2006-07-20 Yes Wednesday is officially gone and no news from Views*t. I personally stand by my July 7th news more than I believe any of these misleadings and false promises but I will keep my mind open and report the news as unbiasly as possible. C**lsat released (as they called a "temporary" solution) for their receivers which requires a 102 card, few other tools to aux the card and card reader for the c**lsat (not cheap option), my guess is you will see most of the FTA dealers following that route than the actual solution.
In the meantime, while many stations are still up ( 111 on DN.110, about 60 on DN.129 ) setup on one or more of these satellites & get network channels, & with the money you are saving by not paying DN, rent some DVDs while you wait for positive news. If these channels also disappear, then get setup on G10 Ku or some other true FTA satellite.
You're right Ong_tu The norw group (Coo1sat coders) temporary solution only helps about 3% of coo1sat owners that happen to have a card reader installed (optional) and opened rom102 cards. So, if you own say, two coo1sats, youre looking at spending $500+ dollars minimum. Prices on rom102 cards are so jacked up, they cost the same or more than a receiver alone.
Rom102 (eBay) $120 ~ $200 EACH Card writter $79 ~ $100 (you only need one) Card reader kit $60 ~ $70 EACH
I'm glad to see there is a solution, but this one is not cost effective for something "temporary". As a tester, I would rather invest $500 on more true FTA equipment such as a C-band set because when a final fix comes outs (if it ever does) I will look back at those $500 dollars spent on a temporary fix and wonder why I didnt wait a little longer. So... for those already equipped with card readers, card writters and rom102 cards, the fix is perfect. Go norw! Moving towards vitory!