Weve been out for quite a while now... No fix, alot of crzy ppl out there, and no info. on whats going on... so I thought id post this to remind you all that theres still a lil hope... and to remind you that these Mods, and programmers DONT have to give us any info if they dont want... but anyways.. BE PATIENT and have FAITH... lol, itll be "soon" till were back... even if "soon" is another month but well b back...
The info was posted on futurefta dot info
"6/29 9PM UPDATE COOL*SAT CAMP: Coders At Cool*Sat Project 8-10Weeke before releasing a bin<--ASK THEM AND GOODLUCK!
DN Has Changed the Network Map as of 7PM, and Changed the Firewall settings<--BULLSHIT,
The New Firewall Nagra has implemented is one Coders Can't Get In It. (YET)
BL & MR.V have just (6:30PM) gotten off the phone, they are seeing a change under DN<--BULLSHI*T,
The Bin They had written a few hours ago, Has Just Shown to return 95% Of All Channels Including PPV /XXX and Premium athough, 15minutes later they began losing channels. <-- BULLSHI*T
It is believed DN has just put in an Authentication System, which checks the Account ID - Something Our FTA Devices <--- WHAT IS HE TALKING ABOUT?
Something Our FTA Devices dont show, when the Account comes negative DN immediatly and instantly changes it's *** through Minor TP Updates. BL is currently headed to germany where they have just written up a code where it masks this Account ID, and Emulates a ROM102 / 106 through BIN Although BL Has to go and Test. <--WHAT?
Pansat 2500/2700 Will become Discountinued After this, <--BULLSHI*T!
they Need the new Memory Dump, WE NEED SOMETHING BUT NOT THAT!
Luckily the 3500 has the SD Card and it can dump there and Act as a Card, it's a new hack process. BULLSHI*T!
BL **LEFT** at 9PM with his check book, he arrives in germany tommorow, He said He will split the cost with MR.V something MR.V has agreed to as he cares about his customers. AN UPDATE WILL BE RELEASED BY 3PM EST TOMMOROW. <-- SORRY BUT I MISSED MY AIRPLANE!
now i have no clue how true this is ,but i wanted to share this with you guys for insight into the problem. <--- NONE OF THEM WERE TRUE!
MY RESPOND TO THIS STUPID THREAD (BL) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I told every one way back before, Kf2a is the trouble maker and the virus of this FTA Market. Once again. Please DO NOT Panic, we do our best to get the TV back. I hate to say when or how soon. but Just dont Panic, TV will be back on SOON. I heard lots of rumors about all this Marketing issue regards to our aagrement with Viewsat engineers, Sorry but its a False Alarm. I have been working day and night, but only with my reliable sources. but never had conversation with Viewsat, nor Viewsat Engineers about sollution or sharing sollution. I am here in US I have no where to go yet for other 6 Month. --------- I am not part of those Lines.,!
View*sat// I GOT IT! lool
Cool*sat // I will release it tonight at 9:00PM. bought the sollution for 150.000$ lool. I hate to bash Manufactor, but the way they act, it doesnt mean anything.
Guys when the last shut down happened, all known lol coders were smart to tell no CPU lower then 150Mhz will not work anymore, and even 2300A I made it work and I proved it, no ones knows what his talking about. SO please stop talking shi*t or start some stupid Rumors. The Funny part is, when someone comes to me without knowing me, saying that Blacklist is in Jail. lool Pansats will not get fixes fast anymore. lol So from my 3 years of experiance in this market proved me that I can only prove by giving or showing not talking. So please wait for my next respond. I am here will be here as longest this market exist.! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Other funny rumors.
GlobalTeq about to closedown. I am in Germany. Viewsat Pansat will come out at the same time.! I am in Jail. I like lol the internet in a Jail! so fast. This new upcoming sollution will not work on Pansat 2300A and 2500A. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Regards Blacklist"