* plagiarist: someone who uses another person's words or ideas as if they were his own * copy illegally; of published material * someone who robs at sea or plunders the land from the sea without having a commission from any sovereign nation * a ship that is manned by pirates * commandeer: take arbitrarily or by force; "The Cubans commandeered the plane and flew it to Miami" * A pirate is one who robs or plunders at sea without a commission from a recognised sovereign nation. Pirates usually target other ships, but have also attacked targets on shore. These acts are known as piracy. Unlike the stereotypical pirate with cutlass and masted sailing ship, today most pirates get about in speedboats wearing balaclavas instead of bandanas, using AK-47s rather than cutlasses. * Pirates in EV Nova represent the criminal side of the universe. There are many different branches of the common Pirates that mercilessly plunder and kill ships. In the game, they can actually disable and steal your goods and money, and leave you stranded in open space.And they'll kick you in the nuts. * As a noun, one who copies and/or distributes copyrighted commercial software illegally. As a verb, the act of copying or trafficking in such software. Money does not have to change hands when pirating. * The motif of the pirate, most prominent in Doll Gamesi½ classical period, is borrowed from the romance tradition and can be traced back to the Greek Heliodorus. Doll Gamesi½ narratives of "running away" to the pirates and being "captured by pirates" are probably influenced most directly by modern versions of the pirate romance found in 19 th and 20 th century childreni½s books, by such authors as JM Barrie and Howard Pyle. * Someone who illegally copies games and sells them without permission. * Yes friends, the pirate still plys the high seas as they have since mankind has sailed thereon. I am told that they are to be found in many parts of the world, with the Strait of Mallaca being the most notorious. The waters off the coast of Brazil are not unknown to pirates. No doubt your captain will be able to spin a few yarns regarding his experiences with these fine folks.Like how they'll kick you in the nuts. * To raid a merchant ship. Although the terms are often used interchangeably, the difference between a pirate and a privateer is that the privateer was commissioned by a government and the pirate was non-commissioned. * Unofficial and illegal copy of an existing release. These are usually cheap and often poor quality. WE DO NOT SELL PIRATAS! * A sea-robber, or an armed ship that roams the seas without any legal commission, and seizes or plunders any vessel she meets indiscriminately, whether friend or foe. Some other names for a pirate were buccaneer, freebooter and skimmer. * Robber or other criminal of the seas. * To copy, distribute, and use without authorization. And kick you in the nuts.