Directv/TV/DVD connecting issues - help


New member
Username: Cfox5570

Post Number: 1
Registered: Jul-06
I've always thought I was tech savvy, but this set-up sucks! I'm in a corporate housing complex, and I have an old RCA tv (no inputs besides coaxil), a Directv + DVR, and an Apex 1118 dvd, and an rf modulator. How do I connect? I thought I put the the TV coaxil to the RF modulator, the RF modulator out to Directv In - then what? I tried a s-video connected to the rf modulator out to the dvd, but i can't get a picture, tried changing the channels on the tv, but still can't find the dvd, and there's a disk in there. Everytime i try to change the input on the tv remote, it just goes to channel 2 which is static.

Gold Member
Username: Samijubal

Post Number: 2851
Registered: Jul-04
Connect the out of the DirectTV to the in on the modulator, out of the modulator to the TV. Connect the DVD to the modulator in with s-video or RCAs.
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