View*sat fix?


Bronze Member
Username: Ariza

Post Number: 84
Registered: Feb-06

Bronze Member
Username: Ariza

Post Number: 85
Registered: Feb-06
i hear a fix is out

Bronze Member
Username: Moe948

Post Number: 70
Registered: Jun-06
No fix on any other website.

Bronze Member
Username: Ariza

Post Number: 86
Registered: Feb-06
would ariza700 be able to handle the new fixes? i know fortec wont

Bronze Member
Username: Moe948

Post Number: 71
Registered: Jun-06
Almost all the receivers will be able to handle the fix. Fortec WILL be able to handle the new ECM. You have to remember that DN sub receivers are also limited with their speeds. And most of the well known FTA receivers are just as good as DN sub boxes, if not better.

Bronze Member
Username: Ariza

Post Number: 87
Registered: Feb-06
good point

New member
Username: Aniphics

Post Number: 1
Registered: Jul-06
Hay Guys,

Any Idea when the Fix for Cool*sat 4000 Pro will be out....and is there any way I can watch some channels, because all mine are gone...

Silver Member
Username: Mussawel

Africa, Monterrey Ivory Coast

Post Number: 168
Registered: Dec-05
no fix, NEVER. FTA IS DEAD!!!!!!!!!!

D E A D!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Silver Member
Username: Abj

Post Number: 271
Registered: Feb-06
another c/p
#124 07-09-2006, 05:13 AM
Welcomed Guest! Join Date: Dec 2005
Posts: 489

Read it again..


I just did.... For the first time, the combination of engineers working on this is shocking. VS's main coder is getting alot of outside help now, and next week we should see solutions for FTA as well as other testing devices. Relax, we still have some TV..

Silver Member
Username: Abj

Post Number: 272
Registered: Feb-06
here is another one.............

#122 07-09-2006, 04:52 AM
Welcomed Guest! Join Date: Dec 2005
Posts: 489



I am so sick of people saying VS stepped on toes. What a bunch of bull. Because Bl says he was supposed to work with VS? I know what went down, and Bl was in Germany when a not so friendly admin from another site went to Bl's site and attacked me publicly, and then DDOS'd this site till it was down, twice in one night. Mr. V takes XXXX like that personally. So, when Bl called him from Germany and then came back, the usual amount of info was not flowing so freely. If thats what everyone says is stepping on toes, then so be it. Thats like North Korea launching those missles, and then saying the US was stepping on toes. Pfft.. Yeah OK!

What I do know is this. Several stb company's have paid for the fix and still haven't released due to their inability to convert & implement the C++ routines successfully. VS decided not to go that route, but to have the best people working on this from a far. Seems they peel some pretty wicked onions over there.. VS has told me they didn't think that anyone else would get this first. As usual, I was a bit skeptical of statements like that, but as usual it appears they were right on that also..

Please don't read extra stuff into what I tell you guys. One main coder has alot of help on this hash, & if he had all the info that's been paid for by the others handed to him right now, we'd have TV in less than 24hrs. Give everything a chance to jell, and all the info to be disseminated between the powers that are working on this. It's gonna happen, and it's looking more & more like VS will STILL be first

Bronze Member
Username: Wild_willie

Post Number: 43
Registered: May-06

If you don't believe that there will ever be a fix, why do you keep comming back to this site?

I have read the majority of your posts, and can't find any that have a positive spin on things.Which leads me to believe that you are one of the following, either an employee at one of the satelite companies and trying to discourage FTA owners,or a complete f___ing moron with a poor outlook on life. Which is it?

Bronze Member
Username: Flatulant_kitty

Post Number: 67
Registered: Jul-06
He,she,they,we do it for laughs.No false hope here.Either wait yourself or get the fudge out.Cry baby bin beggers need a good slap in the face to make them STFU.All this crap make for interesting reading unlike the BS after BS about bin updates.Want the morons to go away then give them a new bin i think maybe they STFU.Or die of old age waiting.

Silver Member
Username: Mussawel

Africa, Monterrey Ivory Coast

Post Number: 175
Registered: Dec-05
Willie dilly my b*tch; you are absolutely correct on all counts except I do this sh**IT for a hobby not f*ckin livin in denial like saying we are "testing". B*ll sh*it man, you are ALL freeloader mudderf*cking cheapskates.

So am I correct or correct; you dumb MORONIC A*HOLE?????????!!!!!!!!

Bronze Member
Username: Kato1

Post Number: 60
Registered: May-05
thats a good one musscle hole...keep up with the name calling..ur good at that.....seen any mumba snakes lately??
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