New member
Username: Daddyoof4

Post Number: 5
Registered: Jun-06
Can I use old DTV dish and LNB to get BEV on FTA reciever? If so, how?

Bronze Member
Username: Storyteller

Post Number: 57
Registered: Jul-06
yes...aim it at satellite 82W or 91W and run cable to your receiver and configure the receiver..

Silver Member
Username: Rsmc73

Post Number: 131
Registered: Mar-06
yes just point the dish at bev and flash your receiver with the latest bin

Silver Member
Username: Vinidomine

Post Number: 109
Registered: May-06
You probably have a single LNB 18" DTV dish since you mentioned "old" - Yes you can use it and I suggest pointing it to Nimiq1.3 @ 91.0W which is B3V core sat. Good luck. This is how your FTA hobbie beguins.


New member
Username: Daddyoof4

Post Number: 6
Registered: Jun-06
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