From underground


Silver Member
Username: Keyisme

Post Number: 101
Registered: Sep-05
Hash: SHA1

Greetings from the underground,

First we would like to express
our disgust in the the way the current FTA STB importers have
handled the current situation. Shamelessly spewing lie after lie
all in the name of saving face and selling your particular brand of
STB, all the while knowing very well that if they never get the
MAPROM, they will never be able to provide a solution to the
current decrypt control word encryption. Of course these lies also
go toward saying that they have the MAPROM and a solution will be
here in a matter of hours. We call bullshit simply because as
anyone that understands what needs to be done can easily see that
with the MAPROM, the new algorithm could be implemented in a few
minutes and firmware released. Facts are facts and anyone that
understands the problem knows what we say here is correct. The lies
and deliberate misinformation from these people must stop and what
better way to stop it than to provide all the information needed to
defeat this problem. This information however does have a price
tag. The price tag is not written in dollars and cents but rather
in 1's and 0's. What better way to stop the lies than have
everything in the open for all to see. Since most of the lies come
from one particular importer and his sales reps, this offer is
directed at Viewsat and Viewsat only. Release the source code for
the Viewsat STB into the opensource arena and 1 hour later we will
also release the entire MAPROM to the opensource world and let the
chips fall where they may. This offer is not open to negotiation
and is nothing more than is stated. We will not accept money so
don't waste your time asking. We can not be bought and neither can
the MAPROM. Just think of the possibilities of having a lower cost
STB into the market. A move such as this could only benefit all
parties involved as sales will start again for the Viewsat STB and
the community will have a reasonably priced open source STB to work
with. A ground breaking move that would be beneficial to all
involved. Should Viewsat refuse our offer we will not consider
other offers at this point.
For information on where the
public posting would take place representative from viewsat can
reach us @:
This paragraph is Representative
of a group of long time community members that have been providing
information to the community on many platforms, for many years both
privately and publicly.

UnKn0wN HaCkErS

Please post this on your site and encourage everyone to post it on
thier respective sites.
Note: This signature can be verified at
Version: Hush 2.5

3g9ql8fKEg9oliUsEUZ+kitATgVFHkqVtdL9HG2LxE1ibGYzvL aZLlWSR+KwRsP7z3a+
xIkecZ1OjxpN7sc45AoQd1gE0Gm56K0OBltdFNRbEHKTeXym6E WEYlEhMjwOMVsMEMZ9

Bronze Member
Username: J_cash

Post Number: 11
Registered: Jul-06
Well if they have the MAPROM they should design there own reciver and sell at cost and release the open source with it and let see what happens then???
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