maybe not this round, but the future? its all about $$economics. if at some point it gets to costly for the manufacturers to buy fix from coders, due to constant ECM's by dish. They must develop a new receiver to handle the ECM's, or it will end.
lots of rumors out there. According to a post on the kf2a site, the change in code is in a section of the card that is very hard to hack into. He states that FTA is not dead, but from now on its an "up and down" thing. Bins will come out after each ECM, they will just take longer to come out and will be useful for less time (days to weeks instead of months). Dont really know what to make of it, but the days of Bins coming out 1 day after an ECM seem to be over.
May be very close to end!Coders and cpu limited and very short time between ecn's and long times for fixes .Plastic always been best bet because of id protocol.