How do I fully use 16:9 and DVD?


I have a new Toshiba 50HD82.
It works great except for the fact that I cannot get my Widescreen DVD to Fill the screen.
Natural gives me gray side bars.
Theather 1,2,3 and full STILL have black bars above and below. The closest is Theater 2.
I am using Component VIdeo Inputs.
My only concern is the lack of a progressive scan DVD.
Any suggestions.

If the picture reaches both sides and people don't look skinny of fat, you probably have everything set up correctly. The movie you are playing may not be exactly 16:9 (there are about 6 standards).

Also, make sure you are playing widescreen DVDs.


Derek said it well. Make sure you're DVD is portrayed in a Wide-Screen format. Make sure your DVD settings are correct for the screen size of your TV. Make sure your TV is set to give you the picture that matches the DVD.

In addition, (and I've learned this the hard way) not all DVD's are the same! Some older DVD's will pale in comparison on a good quality TV than do some of the newer digitally enhanced versions often found now in the latest releases.

It could be that if you've made an attempt to purchase "edited for your television" movies on DVD, you'll end up with sidebars with those. Rent yourself (I'm sure you're already aware of this) a good quality WIDESCREEN movie, then retest your setup. There are several aspect ratios even in the Widescreen viewings of DVD's. Some will still give you shadowboxes if the aspect ratio is beyond the 16 x 9 characteristics.

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