Samsung DLP screen scratch


New member
Username: Broomer

OC, California USA

Post Number: 7
Registered: Jun-06
My pride, my joy, my youngest son has scratched the plastic screen on the TV. Any suggestions on dealing with this other than buying a new one?

BTW - is Samsung popular, or problematic. I see a lot of discussion about Samsungs. Had I seen this board before buying, I may have reconsidered. I am very happy with mine - - so far.

This is a great board!!

Silver Member
Username: Fyi

Dallas, Texas

Post Number: 734
Registered: May-05
Samsung is very popular and unlike some other brands, they stand by their products and actually improve them with each generation. The HL-Rs are very trouble-free and the new HL-S series has improved in contrast, gaming, lip/sync, and design.

There are some repair kits out there designed for scratched plastic lenses in glasses and other clear plastics like cell phone screens. They are very effective depending on the scratch.

Otherwise, look here.

New member
Username: Broomer

OC, California USA

Post Number: 8
Registered: Jun-06
Thanks, FYI.
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