Guide Works with new bins !!!


New member
Username: Lukasberglll

Central City

Post Number: 3
Registered: Jun-06
Before the new bins were entered into my 2500A clone the EPG button only showed me what was on the channel I was watching and nothing else. Sometimes it would take as long as a minute to do even that. With the new bins (after setting the date and time zone correctly) my guide shows me whats on all the channels. Thats fabulous! Now I don't have to go on the internet to find out what's on and when. Has anyone else noticed this too?

Bronze Member
Username: Letmeon

Post Number: 36
Registered: Mar-06
Yes it is great. Also when you down the list ,the channel u r watching doesnot diappear. So watch ur program, and glance the listings at same tome.
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