I downloaded to captiveworks CW-600s the bin CX_KroundV1.06_24138Chip.bin and then the CX-LoaderV2.50.bin and CW600S_V1.16.bin. everything is fine all scrambled channels are now working. But I have a single problem, no sound on some channels however other's sound work fine, any help??
by the way for the channels with no sound I found the following: audio frequency: 22.05KHz bitrate: Free format Mpeg LayerI
however for similar local channels with sound the parameters are: audio frequency: 48KHz bitrate: 160KBS Mpeg LayerII
I believe the problem is that the reciever does not decode the sound the way it should be decoded, as it assumes different frequecny and bitrate from the one that the channel really use...!!