my friend has a Multistar that's having a an Knight rider issue, any suggestion for me to forward, where would I get a factory file for Multistar unit anyway, this is just a plain multistar sat receiver.
my friend has a Multistar that's having a an Knight rider issue, any suggestion for me to forward, where would I get a factory file for Multistar unit anyway, this is just a plain multistar sat receiver.
Babs, Same way for all receivers. Get the factory bin, have the loader set up and ready to go with the receiver hooked up. Turn it on and once the first light appears, click download. Some suggest that if it doesn't work on the first light, start again and wait until the second light, then the third, then fourth. If still nothing, go back to the first light and keep trying. It's all about timing. Worst comes to worst, get some 8 year old kid who's good at video games to do it for you. LOL.
hey Tyler I can't Multistars bin file any where, now info line don't have the information there I am looking for, just email me site's where I can find bin files for this Multistar