Ive read around on how to flash a bin and i belive im pretty sure how to do it now but i do have one uncertainty..on one of the instructions provided by Eva its said "Install Cable from the lnb and the cable from the tv and the plug it up and power up the receiver!".. does all this mean just re hook up the receiver to the tv? what is an LNB?
On LK's instructions he says "Next U need to do a satellite scan of whatever LNB's on dish are aimed at".. i just want to know what a LNB is because someone purchased and programmed my satelite and he must have taken the manual cause there is no manual in the box.. i just want to fix my scrammbled channels. Thanks to anyone that can help!
Chris: For security issue its better is you run the bin program with only the right cable receiver to pc, but you can run a bin if you have all coneccted, I recommend do you disconnect all the cables, except electrical and straight/null cable, when finish to flash reconect again and do a full, blind or another scan.
okay, what do you mean by "right cable receiver to pc"? to connect my receiver to my cpmputer i have a rs 232 null modem cable.. do you think this should be fine to transfer the bin program to my receiver?
ok, just tried to flash bin but it wont download.. says WRITE FAILED [ER!].. i read the thread that you explained switch to a straight cable.. but does the receiver have to be on a certain channel or something? im trying to load the pansat clone 2700 232v1 bin