Dishnet 121


New member
Username: Meheather

Post Number: 6
Registered: Jun-06
Hey guys, how come no one talks about 121.. it's always 110 and 119? With FTA is it possible to get 121?

Gold Member
Username: Lklives

Post Number: 3447
Registered: Jan-06
yes with a 30 inch dish and linear LNB...most 121 international channels have moved to the 118.75KU AMC 16 test bird..

New member
Username: Bugger

Post Number: 5
Registered: Jun-06
I'm looking for Ultrastar fta 5000 121 anything?
Plz could anyone help?
code keys files averything would help...

New member
Username: Meheather

Post Number: 9
Registered: Jun-06
So with another 18" (I think) dish I couldn't get it? Cool.. I thought all there was, was 110 and 119 .. and BEV ... thanks for the info!
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