Hi I just loaded the new viewsat program to my viewsat extreme and wanted to know how and what are the BEV keys and how do i enter them into my viewsat
RIGHT arrow x 1 puts you on the 2nd line of numbers with "08" in the first column; you start punching in the below at the 2nd column ("C3" as of 11-04-05)
"Text" key + "2" = "F2", RIGHT arrow
"9" + "8" = "98", RIGHT arrow
"7" + "4" = "74", RIGHT arrow
"4" + "4" = "44", RIGHT arrow
"1" + "F3" key = "1C", RIGHT arrow
"6" + "5" = "65", RIGHT arrow
"7" + "7" = "77", RIGHT arrow
"F4" key + "8" = "D8", RIGHT arrow ...
finishing the top line You should have the highlighted box in the first column of the 2nd row on top of "08"
DOWN arrow, RIGHT arrow to the 2nd box in the 3rd row