When I hit write button on my loader, I get this message come up on screen saying that windows encountered a problem and has to shut down the program. But my reciever powers off then back on by itself. I tryed to do it with a different loader, and I got the same windows message. What do I do about this windows problem?
CHeck the log. Turn off your pc, and conecct the cable, turn on again. Start to run a bin. REad carefully all the instrucction, about run a bin in your receiver.
Antonio do you need run a new bin But with the latest keys do you can still see channels, if with your pansat 2700 you cant see any channels do you have another problem.
If all else fails, i would go thru the registry and manually remove all entries for you loader (start-->run-->regedit) - but be very careful not to delete any other keys, or you could screw up your machine pretty bad; just search (edit--> find) for entries and keep pressing F3 to find additional keys. Then delete your loader and redownload a clean copy.
Flash failed is either a defective cable or SERIAL port; or use of the wrong cable or comport.. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----- Here is how to recover from the "Night Rider" (flashing lights):
1. Try re-flashing the factory boot/flash again using the below directions. That gives you FTA ONLY. Follow the above procedure.
2. Then, when that works use the latest flash to get the scrambled channels.
3. Download a channel list and/or do a channel scan on each sat.
4. When flashing, be sure to wait not only until is says done. But you need to wait until it reboots and actually goes to a channel number.
Here are a few tips if you are having difficulty flashing: loading a bin..
I would advise everyone to read a set up guide before flashing. But, since people have been having some problems, I have revised this to provide more detailed information. But this is not intended to be a substitute.
1. Make sure you use the proper serial cable for your receiver: Most Fortec and Pansat use a straight through cable with DB9 females on both ends. The Blackbird, Pansat 2700/3500 and some other receivers use null (crossover) cable, which crosses over pins 2 and 3.
2, With the power turned off, connect it to your computer and receiver using the serial connector. Use serial port #1 if you can.
3. If you do not have a working SERIAL port, you must install one or use a computer that has one. Usb ports do NOT usually work, except on rare ocassions with an adapter.
4. Use the appropriate loader.
5. Select the file. Make sure that it is the correct flash for your receiver.
6. Select the COM port your receiver is connected to. If you do not know, what it is try #1 first.
7. Enter the correct model name and number. Most Blackist updaters do Not require this.
8. Check off the correct function box. Your choices are boot, flash or channel list. To FLASH your receiver you would use FLASH. Most flashes do not require a separate boot; so do not load both separately.
9. Turn on the receiver power from the BACK switch.
10. As soon as you see the lights flash,very first light -- IMMEDIATELY press download. Timing is critical and many vary.
11. Wait until it COMPLETES and reboots. _________________ Pansat setup guide.. [link removed] Dishnet keys.. [link removed]&start=240 Keymaster 2.0.. [link removed]
But, first thing is I guess not thing wrong with Receiver . Check your PC first . You have few options to do .
- Do you turn off sofware protect ? It NO, then turn it off. OR - Does your PC fire wall is turned on if yes, then turn it off (option).
OR If your PC older few year then,
Does XP has a Spack ? If NO, this a first try to do is to install SPack (service package). you can get from Microsoft/or friend/google search in internet . **** [Check for "Spack": Mouse at START then SETTINGS then hit CONTROL PANEL . Window panel open then select SYSTEM (double click). voila you will see your windowns with Spack .
The Faster way and simple way is to reinstall your windowns (if your windowns had Spack). Sometimes windowns miss a Dlink 386.exe file because have worm inside .
The most common problem when do you receive this message running in lpt is because the xp have yet the Printer settings running as deffault for this com. Do you need TUrn off your pc and put the cable of your receiver turn on and start again. So sorry for my plain english