I've been trying to download latest BIN (87BL_060609_272_api_2) for my Pansat 2700a. I've unzipped the file, connected the receiver to the computer useing the 9pin cable. When I click download on the GTRom Loader v3.35 the error message comws up is "flash update fail."
Try using uploader GTRom v3.38 and Check if your using the right cable.(you should be using a stright not a NULL cable) It worked fine for me..good luck
Thanks, the cable I am using is from radioshack that had the same number as the manuel (something like SC232..). The uploader is v3.35. i'll try your version.
There is any pansat 2700 using straight instance null cable an its working? If you buy a SC232 you have Straight Cable not Null Cable The model 2700 use null cable.
Hey guys neoob to this forum. I to am having a hard time flashing my reciever. Ihave a Pansat 2700a and I got the latest bin as well as the loader from future-fta site but everytime I try to flash I get a flash update fail. I bought my cable from the local radio shack RS-232C female to female but still no luck.. I waited to post as a last resort ... Ive been reading of many troubleshooting tips but nada... any sugg??? thanx in advance.
check if y have the right cable pansat 2700 a y need a null modem cable theris the list here for all receiver: iza Ultra 400/500- Null Astrovox 2600-Straight DB9 Blackbird and all Blackbird clones(BOB, Max 1000, Stealth II, MS1000, ,etc.)-Null Coolsa 4000 Plus-Null Coolsa 4000 Pro-Straight DB9 Cooltec-Null Coship (All)-Null Digiwave 6800/7000-Null Digiwave Diamond-Straight DB9 Dreambox (All)-Null Fortec lifetime-Straight DB9 Fortec Lifetime Ultra-Straight DB9 Lava 2600-Null Max 2500-Null ****sat (All)-Straight DB9 Microroyal (All)-Null Pansat 2300a/2500a and all clones-Straight DB9 Pansat 2700-Null Pansat 3500-Null Pansat 5000HC-Null(Also can program through USB) Pantec/Multistar Max (All)-Null Pantec/Multistar MS (All except MS1000)-Straight DB9 Pantec MX/Ultra-Straight DB9 Rex1-Null Silver bullet/ST 1000/2000-Null Skyview 500-Straight DB9 Spacestar DVB500-null Stealth 2000a-Null Ultrastar 5000-Null Viewsat VS2000-Null
If you still have problem failed your receiver, change the cable, if you have a null cable and you have pansat 2700 clon, your receiver maybe need a straight cable. The original pansat 2700 use ever null but in many instance not all the clone 2700 use the same cable. If you still receive the same message and you have a clon, change null for straight.
Thank u all for the replies I had given it some thought that maybe i had the wrong cable .. now this is probably a stupid question but Ill ask anyhow. How would I know if I have a clone ??? Also whats the main difference between the cables " straight and null" ..... thanx in advance
Hello to all, Well I friggin finally performed my first flash today....as easy as I thought it would be ,,turns out I had the wrong cable. After a few short trips to the computer stores which by the way was like the blind leading the blind man oh man some of those guys working there had no clue to the questions I had for them but turns out an old mom and pop competer cable store had the answers I needed ...indeed wrong cable .... they look so alike yet so diffrent... Im back up!!!!!!!!!! Thanx to Eva and Mr Sauvesoris for the help... Im so gratefull....... so check those calbles bcuz turns out that it could be the simplest thing thats causing those flash failures... thanx again
The "straight cable and the "null Modem" look identical!...and sometimes the dealer will send the wrong cable with your receiver...and each receiver is different, some use the straight, others use the null modem
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