Hi I have a Fortec LU and I was wondering if there are any programs that I can use to change/edit the channel list via computer? DNs list is fine but rescanning and editing BV is a pain! I found gTools 1.85 and I was wondering if this is a good program to use for editing and if there are any special steps to follow to do this? If there is any info from a previous thread, please post link! Thanks for your help.
Nick, I use Channelmaster and you can get pre-completed channel lists too. I used a list created by "dido smith" and the package had a number of different channel lists for both DN and BEV. Anyway, what I would recommend is load the list to the receiver, then scan the sats. This will then add any channel that has moved to a different tp since the list was created. Then I just edit it, deleting the old tp channels and renaming the new location channel. By doing this you'll lose the way your current DN is set up though. Using these programs is a great way to organize the channels and learn a few things about how the line-ups are set up. Fairly easy to use too.
via dss central link: www.future-fta.info has channels lists and the Channel master program..