Hey guys why did we need to buy the viewsat if the pansat is working fine now


New member
Username: Egyptiana

Vancouver, Bc Canada

Post Number: 9
Registered: Jun-06
I dont get why did they tell us the pansat is dead and we have to buy new recievers when some people here are saying its all fixed that pisses me off cause i had to go and buy the viewsat platinum

Silver Member
Username: Jdq

Post Number: 124
Registered: Apr-05
impatient, always give it a week or so extra

Bronze Member
Username: Dixon_buts

Moon Base Alpha 1, Red Square Mars

Post Number: 33
Registered: Jun-06
The clone kill code will eventually kill all the authentic pansats. The HD model comes out at the end of the month. You think the 350 and 351 bins for the pansat 3500 were a coincidence? He'll make you update by hook or by crook.

Bronze Member
Username: Hardrockstriker

Post Number: 94
Registered: Apr-06
Viewsat was the winner this time. Next time it might be C00lsat. And so on. Who knows...

New member
Username: Egyptiana

Vancouver, Bc Canada

Post Number: 10
Registered: Jun-06
do u think it will stay with the viewsat for awhile ?

Bronze Member
Username: Pirate_pete

Post Number: 91
Registered: May-06
You Did rhight veiwsat rules pansat follows .bl bins bug riddin and alway's minimum fix , keeps im hungry for next fix like heroin addict!

Gold Member
Username: Lklives

Post Number: 3459
Registered: Jan-06
Nobody made anybody go out and buy a new Viewsat!...it was stated that Viewsat is a great receiver, which is true...it was also stated NOT to go buy a new Viewsat, just because of the cmd 7 ECM that was going on, that all FTA will eventually be up and people needed to be patient..

New member
Username: Outlooker202

Post Number: 10
Registered: Jun-06
Viewsat EPG works a lot better than Pansat 2500/2700 , I can say anything about 3500 has i don't own one.

Plus you can DL the EPG at anytime rather when u 1st power on. (I DL the guide during commericals)
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