On the bin there"s now a provision for legacy swithes.can we use them now with our dp and aftermarket para todo"s direct lnb"s ? If so how do you configure the settings for 6 sats on a sw64 / thanxs.82/91/105/110/119/121
wrong!...but why don't U test it and tell us your findings since U have this bright idea that the SW switches will suddenly now work with Pansats!
U make NO sense...why would a 2700 suddenly be capable of accepting these sw switches...do U think someone snuck into your house last night while U were sleeping and modified your receiver?....LMAO
OF course sw switches are ONLY good for legacy..there are ONLY 2 types LNB's, DP and legacy...DP use DP switches...legacy use SW..
Pirates never were too bright!...look how they all ended up!....DEAD!