Silver Member Username: Tombo777Post Number: 612 Registered: Jul-05 | Take a look at CRTs! 1 year warranty...10 year lifespans routinely. No EW needed. (BTW picture tubes were indeed warranted seperately for longer periods of time.) |
Silver Member Username: Hd_fanaticBoise, ID Post Number: 120 Registered: May-05 | Hitachi still offers a 2 year warranty on the tubes and 1 year parts and labor for their RPCRT. Sonys XBR also has 2 years on the tube as well. There's probably more that do as well. |
Silver Member Username: Tombo777Post Number: 614 Registered: Jul-05 | "take a look at the warrantees on regular old tube sets. That's right, one year parts and labor" Thats WRONG! LOL Smurf is the self proclaimed honest "knowlegable" Best Buy sales dweeb who does not lie to his customers, yet he has no clue regarding the warranties on product he sells! Amazing. So much for credibility. |
Look in the Mirror Unregistered guest | Andrew, No problem, understand you completely. To Mr Bong, Smurf just needs to know how to SELL those extended warranties, and walk a fine line between selling the "extra" coverage, and totally blowing the sale. Customer says, you mean to tell me this $4,000 TV set ONLY has a year warranty? Smurf says, Yea, that's why YOU need to BUY the EW. $$$$$$ Customer says, I'm out of here. A one year warranty is a joke. ***** One more thing about getting people to "band together", I know most people rationalize spending $4,000 on a TV set, and are going to defend the purchase. That it's going to hard to get them to "band" together. Thing is until we DO band together we can't demand the mfg's rate the sets/ lamps properly OR get them to slap a 3 or 5 year warranty on these sets. If these sets are GOOD, a good design, and are mfg'd out of good materials a 3 year warranty should at least be the norm. |
Silver Member Username: Tombo777Post Number: 625 Registered: Jul-05 | They have no issue banding together when they are all experiencing the same issues! I think the more expensive something is the MORE reliable it should be and the need for an EW DECREASED. Many have the opposite logic.They buy a three year warranty then they are on their own. If they were not confidant in two years following the manufacturers warranty how in the hell can they sleep at night and have any "peace of mind" in the years following? They will never warranty these sets fo three years. EVEN the manufacturers know they will not hold up.....and at $2000 and up that should be a red flag. |
Andrew Lawrence Unregistered guest | "I think the more expensive something is the MORE reliable it should be.." Well, think what you want, but that is simply not the case in the real world. Sometimes it's the other way around. If you do not know that, than you haven't lived very long or you have blinders on. Now, here is my opinion on extended warranties. For the most part, I steer clear of them because, as a general matter, I think they are rip-offs and pure profit for the companies. Also, I feel that if something were to go wrong with an appliance or electronic device, it's more likely to occur during the manufacturer's warranty period. Sure, who wouldn't want a basic warranty for a TV set that is good for 3-4 years? But I just don't think that is likely to happen. Does anyone know of a television set on the market with a 3-4 year manufacturer's warranty period? I'm not aware of one. Around 1991, I bought a 50" Hitachi Ultravision projection TV (CRT) for just under $3k and this was state of the art technology at that time. When I purchased it at the store, I was strongly advised to get the EW for $500. I declined. When it was delivered to my house, they said I could get the EW for $250. I declined. Well, the set served me well for 10-11 years, before it started developing problems and I am certainly glad that I didn't waste money on the EW. Speaking of CRT, check out the current issue of Newsweek. Clearly they favor plasma and lcd technology and suggest that this holiday may be the right time to buy one as prices are falling. CRT is mentioned as another option, but they point out some of the drawbacks, which Mr. Bong doesn't seem to want to address. The main advantage to going with CRT is that it is a cheaper alternative to the newer technology. In fact, that is probably the only advantage. Here is the downside: They are SPACE HOGS. They take up a lot of real estate. The article points out that a 34 inch set, for example, is almost 27 inches deep! Furthermore, some experts say that these TVs can't produce the highest resolution HD pictures, like the newer technology. So, there you have it - fair and balanced. |
Silver Member Username: Tombo777Post Number: 631 Registered: Jul-05 | In many case that require thought and research moany will find you pay more for practical quality and should expect so. Toyota comes to mind. Rolex does not. Is it practical to buy a TV that looks it best on ONE input source and worse then what its replacing on the majority of programming available? Is it pracical to buy a TV that has no real world track record of reliability beyond a few years and needs a part equivalant to 10-20% of its purchase cost every year or two and may be down for weeks waiting for that part? I think not. I place no more credibility on the opinion of a writer at a major magazine then I do anyone who posts their experience or opinion here. Why should anyone else? He is entitled to his opinion, but a bigger audience does not make it any more valid. I cannot haelp but to think there is some hidden agenda and some advertising deals going on over there at Newsweek to beef up the sales of HD Tvs this Holiday Season. CRTs have been "space hogs" for years. So are refridgertors and washers and dryers. They are not portable objects ane except for those that were noted are not ment to be, For some space is an issue. They will pay a high price for compact size as in many things. For others they already have that space alloted for a TV and have for years. The only "experts" are the the eyes of the beholder. You may think one TV looks better then someone else. If one thing is plainly clear on these board is the varied opinion of what looks best. Cheaper is an advantage for CRT and RPCRT yes. Not just for the TV though. But waiting will save a ton as well, Waiting until a technology can truly replace the CRT in reliability cost and PQ on ALL input sources. Wait until you can turn on the TV and not HUNT for compelling HD content. Wait for the manufacturers to have the parts and service in place to meet the needs of many more owners. Now is not the time to buy an HD TV if you can wait. I suggest people replace their dead CRTS with $200 Wal Mart 30+ inch TVs and wait a couple more years until all the pieces are in place Normalized HD content Less expensive TVs Less expensive and widely available lamps More reliable TVs A clear techological/ reliable winner Parts/service availability Not fair and balanced as I am one of very few "conservative" consumers on this board. There is no balance to the fanaticism except a few of us who some (in their blindness) even claim is ALL me LOL!!! |
Silver Member Username: Hd_fanaticBoise, ID Post Number: 124 Registered: May-05 | Quote: "Speaking of CRT, check out the current issue of Newsweek. Clearly they favor plasma and lcd technology and suggest that this holiday may be the right time to buy one as prices are falling. CRT is mentioned as another option, but they point out some of the drawbacks, which Mr. Bong doesn't seem to want to address. The main advantage to going with CRT is that it is a cheaper alternative to the newer technology. In fact, that is probably the only advantage. Here is the downside: They are SPACE HOGS. They take up a lot of real estate. The article points out that a 34 inch set, for example, is almost 27 inches deep! Furthermore, some experts say that these TVs can't produce the highest resolution HD pictures, like the newer technology. So, there you have it - fair and balanced." Fair and balanced? Yeah right. Like I would ever base buying a TV from the opinions of the editors of Newsweek. Show me a 34" set that is 27" deep and I will eat crow. Even the 34" Sony XBR is only 23 and 7/8 " deep, and that has to be the bulkiest 34" TV around. The Hitachi 57" HD RPCRT's are only 23 and 5/8" deep. And as far as a crt not being able to produce the highest resolution, that's a bunch of malarkey too. The Sony 34" XBR had the highest rating of all TV's in the March issue of Consumer Reports and the top rated CRT RP sets were rated as high as the best rated DLP, the Samsung 5685 and 5085 captain Kirk models. The only disadvantage was the space used, but in all actuality, all you are really giving up is a place for your components. Don't get me wrong, I do like the new technology, but don't dis CRT technology just because it's been around forever. Even CRT technology has evolved over the last year or so. I was amazed by the clarity of the new Hitachi. |
Silver Member Username: Tombo777Post Number: 633 Registered: Jul-05 | Don't bother HD fanatic. These guys are kings of exageration and rationalization in their zeal to protet and defend themselves and their beloved TVs. I have said before that a RPCRT is not a whole lot deeper then a Lamp based set. AND you don't need to spend another $400 for the frigging stand!! The weight is inconsequential except when arriving and departing (10 years later.) Me too. Im going to justify buying a $3000 flawed TV basd on a writer at Newsweek. Now thats friggin funny. They are still spending MILLIONS on CRT R&D! If thats not evidance they have not been successfully replaced I don't know what is!! Like all those who say we evolved from monkeys and Apes. Well if that were so there would be no monkeys and Apes! |
Andrew Lawrence Unregistered guest | "Is it pracical to buy a TV that has no real world track record of reliability beyond a few years and needs a part equivalant to 10-20% of its purchase cost every year or two and may be down for weeks waiting for that part? I think not." OF COURSE, NOT. BUT, THERE YOU GO AGAIN - PAINTING IN BROAD STROKES - WHEN THIS ISSUE ONLY PERTAINS TO A CERTAIN DEFECTIVE MODEL. "CRTs have been "space hogs" for years. So are refridgertors and washers and dryers" PUUUUUUUULEEEEEASE. THIS IS SO LAUGHABLE IT'S NOT WORTHY OF COMMENT. HEY, YOU FORGOT BATH TUBS! "Now is not the time to buy an HD TV if you can wait." TECHNOLOGY IS RAPIDLY CHANGING. A COUPLE YEARS FROM NOW, SOMETHING BETTER WILL COME ALONG AND IT WILL BE AT A PREMIUM PRICE. THAT'S JUST THE WAY IT IS. WHY PUT YOUR LIFE ON HOLD? KEEP WAITING AND WAITING AND BEFORE YOU KNOW IT, YOU WILL HAVE EXPIRED. |
Andrew Lawrence Unregistered guest | "These guys are kings of exageration and rationalization in their zeal to protet and defend themselves and their beloved TVs." DO YOU SEE ME DEFENDING MY TV - THE PT50LC13? IF SO, PLEASE REVIEW MY POSTS. |
Silver Member Username: Tombo777Post Number: 635 Registered: Jul-05 | Space hogs? A RP FPTV is not that much thinner then a standard RPCRT or FV CRT. My response was equally as rediculous! TV Technology will have a clear winner. The varied choices right now are an indication of the wannabes in that regard. People are used to a single TV technology. Multiple formats in entertainment electronics usually do not survive together long. One technology will eventaully BE THE replacement for the CRT. The rest will end up like the Laser Disc. I say wait and see what it will be. I am confident it will not be RP Flat panel. I do not think it will be plasma. Perhaps LCD. I believe SED has the best theoretical chance. Texas Instruments is advertising DLP on TV like crazy to save their DMD chips from oblivion. Theres a sign of desperation brewing. By now word of mouth should have all but placed RPCRT's in particular in the history books. Yet $1800 RPCRTs are still being sold over $1800 RP fixed pixel displays. Im guessing those people know about the lamp issue and are willing to accept a slightly inferior picture for proven technology. I would say calling CRTs space hogs is an exageration in defense of your choice yes. I would call the citng of a Newsweek article as "evidance" of the superiority of the new technology a rationalization. So yes you are rationalizing your choice if not your contentment with the result of such. |
kjp04 Unregistered guest | Well, I'm happy with my 50" LCD TV. Is there a 50" CRT television? If there ever is one, you would need a crain to lift it. As far as waiting for new technology, you could wait forever. By then you won't care, as you'll be too old to enjoy it. Keep waiting Mr. Bong, your clock is ticking. |
Silver Member Username: Tombo777Post Number: 638 Registered: Jul-05 | Yeah I may wait forever but I will be watching and have been enjoying my 50" Toshiba while reading of those here who have no TVs for weeks on end waiting for lamps and color engines. And to think I came here originally because I was thinking of replaciing it with a RP fixed pixel display...Yikes!!!... For now a RPCRT will do just fine. I waited this long. Another couple years won't matter. In fact it will be to my advantage as there will be more HD content (maybe). And a clearer technological winner. Im betting on the 50" SED for now, |
Andrew Lawrence Unregistered guest | Mr. Bong, you're gonna have to wait a very long time for the "clear winner"(if there is one).. SED sets are estimated to start coming out by the end of this year; full scale production in 2006. Prices and screen sizes will be comparable to plasma. A 50" SED set could be as much as $10k! Assuming that everything is favorable, you will, of course, be compelled to wait for prices to drop. You could be waiting for several years. Then some new, inovative HD technology will likely surface and you will find yourself waiting some more to see how that plays out. And then wait some more for prices to drop. It becomes an endless cycle. Don't be such a tight wad. Live in the NOW. |
New member Username: ChiefterrySan Diego, Ca. Post Number: 1 Registered: Sep-05 | Hello Guys, Just wanted to know if anyone wanted to buy a Panasonic PT50LC13, Cheap. I'll even through in the two burnt out bulbs with it. The truth is that Panasonic misrepresented its product by stating in writing that their product had a longer 10,000 hour life on their bulbs compared to the competition. The product doesn't come close to meeting that claim and because of that Panasonic should be liable for the replacement and/or repair of this product. If as I've read in previous postings someone actually manages to get a class action lawsuit going I would very much like to be notified. Thanks |
Silver Member Username: Tombo777Post Number: 656 Registered: Jul-05 | I don't think there will be alot of new diaplay technology coming down the line Andy. There are only so many ways to display images at 50" and above. The fixel pixel displays are before their time, If avg joe TV buyer does his homeowrk (and yes my opinion is part of their homwork as is yours) they will not want to pay $2000 to replace their $400 32" GE TV on a TV that looks less then their set at all but one input source. If they are avid DVD watchers they may be in luck. If not They will not want to watch FX and many other pouplar cable stations in Standard TV (unless they buy a EDTV plasma ) They will not want to hear they have to spend $200-$400 on a lamp every year or two and bee down a week or more waiting for that "backordered" lamp. They will not want to be compelled to spend another $400 for two years of extended warranty and another $399 for a friggin matching stand! Then hoping they can get 3-7 years of trouble free use after the EW expires! That will be nail biting time for sure with $1200 light engines to deal with! Thee will be a clear winner. That winner will be the first maufacture that can deliver a 50" CRT like reliability and picture quality on all inputs for around $2000. that should be possble within three or foru years. At that time presumable you should be able to recieve the majority of your cable or Sat stations in HD...not just the nature shows and swamp buggy racing and network fare. I am retired in my 40's because I have resisted the temptation to buy too early instead I wait for the good things to become great and less expensive and analyze the economy of ownership verses prestige vs need. I buy my cell phones used off Ebay where I can have all the bells and whistles of BT, MP3 ringtones,Smart Phone technoogy, 1 mp camera and the rest of the toys for a mere $180 rather then $450. I don't buy extended warramties. I pay cash for (3-4 year old)cars and make payments to myself with interest...which pays for the next one. I sold a home that appreciated 110% in 4 years in Las Vegas to pay cash for a larger one on a lake in Myrtle Beach and banked the rest.. Im not rich by any stretch..but I am as free as any rich man. Younger people consume many go into debt $3000 for a friggin TV and new expensive cars! They cannot wait. They will always have a car payment, credit card payment, house payment, this payment and that payment.........why? If I can get one person to see the idiocy of buying into this expensive unforgiving techno;ogy on a whim all the insult and ridicule is well worth it. If they decide Im full of shyte and buy anyway I reserve the right to return some of that ridicule and offense...Fair enough. |
Andrew Lawrence Unregistered guest | Terry: Personally, I wouldn't really put too much stock in a class action suit against Panasonic. I am not feeling optimistic about it. I think you will have trouble selling your set at cheap. Plus, I think it may be immoral and unethical as you would knowingly be selling a defective set. What I recommend is that you donate it to charity (provided that it is in working order) and take the tax write off. This is what I'm considering. |
Andrew Lawrence Unregistered guest | Mr. Bong: I envy you in that your are in your forties and retired. I, too, am in my forties and I'll be lucky if I ever retire! My youngest kid is 3 years old. ![]() |
To Those that Say Unregistered guest | Bong, up until now I've sort of stood up for you because franky I felt sorry for you. I was hoping that we could ALL pull together to force the mfg's to increase the warranty period, stand behind theit products better. I ask those here on the board: What does Bong's rantings have to do with the title of this thread? This is a thread for people that have a set that uses the TY-LA1000. It's a thread about a petition for OWNERS. Bong, before you open your mouth consider this, say I didn't live in your neighborhood, but I was constantly telling you when to cut your grass, when to go to the bathroom, etc. Would you be "OK" with that? Would you? I dare you to ANSWER THAT honestly. The bottom line is you keep posting in threads in which you have no business posting in cluttering up the threads with you rantings. If you own a set that uses the TY-LA1000 you have a right to post in this thread. If not you don't. You own a CRT set. Bong you really need stay out of threads in which you no right to post in. |
Silver Member Username: Tombo777Post Number: 662 Registered: Jul-05 | I do not desire or need your pity or empathy and knew all the while your "support" was self centered. I know you only care about your particular issue regarding lamplife. You have been a one note samba regarding lamp life since you began defending my rant in other threads (you don't own a Samsung yet you post in other threads.) There is where we part ways. Its much more then lamplife. I do not get the yard work analogy. But I can have the ability and skin enough to ignore other's whom I do not agree with. Especially if they do not "live" in my neighborhood.try this one;A few whining about a specific issue on one thread is akin to a small exclusive beachfront neighboorhood on the beach in Florida whining about home insurance prices. You need the state. Yes I own a RPCRT and was considering the purchase a new RP HD set until I began reading and researching. My commments and opinion were and are met with contempt by those who did not do the research or wait. I understand the bitterness and can take the shots. You guys are pizzing up a rope if you think your little support group will make Panasonic change their policy. The only way manufacturers will change is when it affects their bottom line. So please do not school me about my "rights." I am aware of my "rights." Maybe you might sing a different song and help others as well to see the insanity of spending thousands on this unsupported technology. BTW The scroll button is more then easy to navigate past my meaningless nonsense. Try it. |
To Those that say Unregistered guest | Bong, RE: I do not get the yard work analogy Yep, figured as much, you do seem to "see", only what you want to see. It's not so much as the yard work itself, but someone who doesn't live in that neighborhood telling someone who does what to do and when to do it. Yes I care about lamp life, So far as you and the lamp life issue, or really any other issue pertaining to these sets you have no right to post in this thread, or any other thread since you DO NOT OWN ONE. and have NO Plans to buy one. In a nutshell, YOU, by Not having one of these sets, and having NO plans to buy a set for the next several years is the same thing as some bum, or someone who lives 1,000 miles from were you live telling you what you can, and cannot do with your own property. Just to call your bluff, Post your Full legal name, SS number, address, banking info, money market, stock info, along with a letter of authorization so I, who do not "live" in your neighborhood so to speak can manage YOUR money and your property for you., make legal decisions for you, etc. This thread should be for those directly affected. You are not. |
Silver Member Username: Tombo777Post Number: 669 Registered: Jul-05 | Yeah ok. I already pay a guy in San Diego to do that. BTW I live on the east coast. Your analogy is still pale. I do not nor will I ever own a Panasonic Lamp based TV. You are right about that. I would never buy a Corvette either but I have an opinion neverthekess. I do not agree that that preculdes me from your little whine thread. Sorry. It is my hope people who read this thread know that I will spare no brand of this technology my opinion. Many think the sampling is too small here as this does not represent the majority of owners so what is the pint of this thread? I suppose its a support group for the afflicted! Well here's some tough love. Stop feeling sorry for yourselves. Realize your mistake. Take responsibility and move on with your Television lives. |
Andrew Lawrence Unregistered guest | That has been my point all along,TTTS. Bong's imput is not relevant to the issue at hand. Problem is that he doesn't see it that way, nobody owns the internet and the way this forum is set up, anyone can post messages. In his defense, we can't really say he has "no right" to post messages here. It's nothing we can enforce. It's as if he were in school and he thought he walked into history class when it actually was English class. After being advised that he was in the wrong classroom, he decides to stay anyway and talk history and agravate the English students. I believe Mr. Bong, after all his PMs, has made his point loud and clear now. I also feel that he has got the message that his comments are irrelvant to this forum/issue, that his imput is not wanted, and if he were a good gentleman, he would move on and not bother us anymore. |
Andrew Lawrence Unregistered guest | "I suppose its a support group for the afflicted!" Bong: Of course, this is a support group? What did you think it is?? We are not feeling sorry for ourselves, WE ARE TRYING TO HELP EACH OTHER OUT!! |
Andrew Lawrence Unregistered guest | "I suppose its a support group for the afflicted!" Bong: Of course, this is a support group! What did you think it is?? We are not feeling sorry for ourselves, WE ARE TRYING TO HELP EACH OTHER OUT!! |
Silver Member Username: Dlp4mePost Number: 221 Registered: May-05 | He's no gentleman! Bong is the lowest form of human there is! He delights in the problems of the minority. His lies and misinformation has no boundries. |
To Those that say Unregistered guest | DLP4me!, While we disagree on the lamp life issue, the way the lamps are being rated. I agree with you on the above, Bong is no gentleman. I take back everything I said about you before. Bong acts like a SHILL for the CRT mfg's or someone who lost his job because the CRT plant shutdown. (Either that or he is a mental patient.) FYI: How about EVERYONE here e-mailing the ADMIN's of this board about him. The e-mail address is on the help /rules /instruction page: Look for "Where to get further information", click on CONTACT link, You can't PM the ADMIN (doesn't work), But there IS a e-mail link right under it "Please address general questions and concerns to" |
Silver Member Username: Tombo777Post Number: 672 Registered: Jul-05 | Yeah good idea. Whine to the moderators. It will do you no good. I do not have a static ISP! I am not going away. Deal with it. All the insult, name calling and ridicule only fuels the fire boys. My opinions wil be read whether you agree withthem or not. I have the time and the motivation. |
To Those that say Unregistered guest | Gentlemen, As most everyone here knows Tom Bong has NO class, and continues to post in almost every thread his rantings. I believe everyone here should e-mail the admin's of this board. (Instructions at bottom of this post) He has been asked nicely several times to bow out of threads that do not directly affect him. Another case in point would be the below thread, BONG does not own, or intend to BUY a lamp based set, but yet posts the same SPAM, over and over again. According to Bong, it won't do any good, he says he doesn't have a static ISP, that he's not going away Class act, let me tell you. How about EVERYONE here e-mailing the ADMIN's of this board about him. The e-mail address is on the help /rules /instruction page: Look for "Where to get further information", click on CONTACT link, You can't PM the ADMIN (doesn't work), But there IS a e-mail link right under it "Please address general questions and concerns to" |
Silver Member Username: Tombo777Post Number: 684 Registered: Jul-05 | Do you really think this has not been tried before? Oh the aginy of those who wish to silence others. Im looking forward to the response. |
Andrew Lawrence Unregistered guest | Ya know, it's as if we all lived in California, the San Andreas fault (aka: The Big One) went off and our homes were completely flattened. And a forum about the earthquake got started. Along comes Mr. Bong to say that he lives on the east coast and what idiots we are for not doing our homework about where we should set up residence. That California has always been a ticking time bomb, we took our chances and lost. He relishes in saying that we are all fools for choosing to live in earthquake country and how smart he is to live on the east coast where earthquakes are not a threat. We tell him that this is a forum for survivors of the San Andreas earthquake, that he was not affected by this and that he has no buisness providing his irrelvant imput. But he chooses to hang around and mock us. |
Silver Member Username: Tombo777Post Number: 693 Registered: Jul-05 | Oh yes you are indeed right. I lived in San Diego for 13 years and was amazed at those who build their homes on Stilts over the dry brush of a canyon. You think I am feeling empathy for those people I see who's homes are sliding down the hill or buring up? Do you think I have any empathy for those who contunue to rebuild beach front homes in clear hurricane zones? Yes as long as my tax dollrs are spent rebuilding your homes and the 1st amendment is still in force I will feel very justified in voicing my opinion of your ignorance. Yes indeed. I live now in Myrtle Beach (inland). If a hurricane wacks my home down I will not strike out at those who will be inclined to say "I told you so" as they are reaching into their wallets to send a donation to the Red Cross. You know why? THEY ARE FRIGGIN RIGHT!!! |
Nomaun Khan Unregistered guest | I am also an unfortunate owner of the Panasonic PT-50LC13-K, in Canada. I bought my TV from Future shop in Sep 2003, delivered a model where the metallic border had discoloration. After not sure how many calls later and finally telling Future Shop I am going to Better Business Burue, Future shop replace my TV. They replaced it in March 2004. In Feb 2005, lamp died. Panasonic replaced lamp without any charges. This month Sep 2005, lamp died again. Called Panasonic (before checking this posting web page) they said there is no problem, they will check it out. Tech from one of their authorized service dealer came and checked the bulb, and decided that I need new lamp. Tech didn't have lamp, I am waiting for three days. Phoned dealer, they are waiting for lamp to arrive. Tech told me that there are problems with all these rear projection LCD TV sets. He has replaced so many lamps. I was thinking no wonder his service center is out of lamps. Anyone interested in buying my TV? ![]() my email address: |
Silver Member Username: Tombo777Post Number: 699 Registered: Jul-05 | Yeah Im interested.......LOL |
Andrew Lawrence Unregistered guest | Nomaun: Consider donating your set to charity for the tax deduction. |
Unregistered guest | H D Fanatic, Your message: "The Hitachi 57" HD RPCRT's are only 23 and 5/8" deep. And as far as a crt not being able to produce the highest resolution, that's a bunch of malarkey too. The Sony 34" XBR had the highest rating of all TV's in the March issue of Consumer Reports and the top rated CRT RP sets were rated as high as the best rated DLP, the Samsung 5685 and 5085 captain Kirk models. The only disadvantage was the space used, but in all actuality, all you are really giving up is a place for your components. Don't get me wrong, I do like the new technology, but don't dis CRT technology just because it's been around forever. Even CRT technology has evolved over the last year or so. I was amazed by the clarity of the new Hitachi." Are you referring to the Hitachi 57S715? I bought one but before delivery the wife nixed the deal because she did not like how it looked, and it had a reflective glass front panel. Then she put me on a Panasonic PT52LCX65, read their manual on line, looked to price a bulb and found my way here. Glad I did. I too had a Hitachi 1991 RPCRT 50" model and it recently failed. Tried hard to fix it but couldn't lost a good friend. I've suspected all that you all say all along. For me I think I'm going bact to the Hitachi 57S715 that has all the digital front end I need (and then some) and good old fashion tubes. PS In the Consumers Report issue you mentioned, they don't really state the microdisplays as being better than the RP-CRT sets, they say "if you don't have the room for the RP-CRT sets" consider the other technologies, with a number of "cons" including unknown reliability. "We didn't find that any one projection technology was consistently better than another for picture quality" |
Andrew Lawrence Unregistered guest | There was also favorable mention of the PT50LC13 in Consumer Reports .. So, don't rely on that too much. |
Silver Member Username: Hd_fanaticBoise, ID Post Number: 126 Registered: May-05 | Andrew, The PT50LC13 was not in the March issue of CR. The PT-50LC14 was. The PT-50DL54 (DLP) was also in there and was ranked 2nd in the microdisplays, right behind the Sammy 5085 Captain Kirk model. They did not rate based on reliability because the microdisplays were too new to the market and there was not enough repair history to fairly rate them in that category. They did say "CRT has been used in rear-projection for years and has generally been quite reliable." Mitsubishi and Hitachi had the fewest repairs based on readers reports on 27000 RP TV's, while RCA had the most repairs. Ironically, Panasonic had the 3rd fewest repairs right behind Hitachi, so obviously that poll was taken before the rash of bulb failures on the sets. |
Silver Member Username: Hd_fanaticBoise, ID Post Number: 127 Registered: May-05 | Gerry, I was referring to the 57F710S and the 57S715. I bought the 57F710S and am very happy with it. I was waiting for the new JVC 1080P sets to come out, but with football season approaching and Summer coming to an end, I needed something and so after hearing from others who have tried this set, I decided to give it a try. I previously had 3 different Sony LCD RP sets, and they all had problems. Took them back and waited all Summer. This Hitachi is a keeper. The PQ easily rivals the Sonys I had, plus the black level is outstanding. As for the reflective glass, it has not been an issue for me. My windows are off to the side of the room, and therefore I do not experience the glare. Plus, most of my movie watching is at night. If you have the room, you should seriously consider this set. |
Silver Member Username: Tombo777Post Number: 703 Registered: Jul-05 | HD Fanatic. You made the right choice for 2005. The RPCRTs are not going away. In fact Hitachi is releasing the 800 series in weeks. Hope you got a great deal because of that. That would be my choice...but I would want to relieve the TV of the reflective screen ASAP Good Luck BYW its not much deeper then any RP lamp based set at all and you do not need to spend another $400 for the stand. |
Andrew Lawrence Unregistered guest | HD Fanatic: It likely was a 2004 issue of Consumer Reports, which had a positive blurb on the PT50LC13. Clearly, this was before the bulb issue exploded. My Hitachi Ultravision RPTV, which I bought around 1991, did not come with that annoying reflective glass that can cause a glare issue. In my home, with all the windows, it would be a huge problem. But the flip side is that without that protection, the screen can be easily damaged - especially if you have little destructive kids like I do. That is why I like the LCD screens. Less vulnerable to damage and easier on the eyes. |
Silver Member Username: Tombo777Post Number: 739 Registered: Jul-05 | bump |
Andrew Lawrence Unregistered guest | THIN is IN |
Anonymous | Has anyone who has had the ballast replaced had blown lamps yet? I had my ballast and lamp replaced on my PTLCX63 under American Express extended warranty a few months ago, and am wondering if I should expect to continue to blow bulbs... Thanks for any info. |
Anonymous | One other question...what filter is being referred to below...wondering where it is, if others are cleaning it, is it running the vacuum over it, or ?? : "LCD TV GUY Unregistered guest Posted on Tuesday, August 02, 2005 - 11:08 am: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I have a Panasonic PT40LC12 and replaced the balast fuse with a resistor. My lamp has been running for 9000 hours now. I have recieved a message saying It is time to replace your lamp at about 3000 hours and again at 6000 hours. I used the remote to reset the timer and my tv is still running good. Just have to clean the filter every three weeks or so." |
Anonymous | Hmm, that is interesting. Do you have to be an electronic technician or engineer to be able to do this? Could you help by giving more details about this transistor ? I have a 3 year extended warranty from Ultimate Electronics that covers the lamp (it is written on the receipt that the lamp is covered). My model is PT-43LC14, so far it has 750 hrs in about 6 months use. Nothing bad so far, but I keep my fingers crossed for now. |
New member Username: WaynehOttawa, Ontario Canada Post Number: 2 Registered: Mar-05 | My lamp blew last week after 21 months and 4133 hours and 1574 on times. My EW was very specific it wouldn't cover a bulb so I'm SOL. In Canada, it cost $400 + taxes! I've signed the petition but also plan on talking to a Panasonic Canada rep about it. The new bulb has a 1 year warranty. Maybe worth looking at making it burn out 1 year less a few days and keep doing that year after year. Maybe then Panasonic will get the hint. Actually they'd just remove the warranty, more likely. I do like this idea of replacing the fuse with a resistor but would want to know a lot of details and do a lot of research before attempting somehting this drastic. |
Silver Member Username: Tombo777Post Number: 833 Registered: Jul-05 | bump |
New member Username: Good11sPost Number: 1 Registered: Sep-05 | I had my Lamp shatter last night after 15 months of use, problably >4000 hour of use. I contacted Panasonic and after 45 minutes of holding, they agreed to send me a free bulb since the warranty is 18 months for the first lamp. I asked about changing the ballast, citing the large quantity of claims made on this forum. She stated since this is my first lamp, I should try another lamp, if that fails prematurely, then I should have the ballast looked at for repair or replacement. Also, she stated the replacement bulb comes with a 12 month warranty, which is better than nothing. Now knowing what I know now, I agree with some of the comments above; there is a very good change ;-) I will need a new bulb in no less than 11 months from now (wink, wink). If Panasonic is not going to own up to their obvious issues with the PT-50LC13 and issue a long-term fix, then I am going to operate, to my benifit, under their existing parameter. |
Unregistered guest | This has been the MOST frustrating electronics problem to date. I had my third lamp blow and I already had Panasonic replace the ballist. Each time this happens the TV sits for 1-2 months before it can be fixed (either waiting on a lamp or a tech...etc.). The MTBF (mean time between failure has been 4 months). Now Panasonic has lost the record for the last repair (the lamp has a 1 year warranty??) and now they want me to pay for the new lamp and told me I need to have the TV hooked to a UPS. If the power goes out in a thunderstorm the fans don't have time to cool the lamp and the lamp succumbs to undo stress! I'm not sure paying for another lamp is a wise decision. |
Andrew Lawrence Unregistered guest | EricA: Just so I'm clear, are you saying that you had a lamp prematurely blow subsequent to replacing the ballast? |
Lunatic Ways Unregistered guest | My defective ballast was replaced in March '05 and lamp blew again last week, Sept 20, '05. Bought the $50 6 month extended warranty on the lamp, but will be useless now. Owned the PT-50LC13 since Aug '03 and this will be the 4th lamp. So much for the ballast being the source of the problem. The new 12 month lamp warranty is just a necessary stop gap measure by Panasonic. They should recall the entire set. |
Andrew Lawrence Unregistered guest | Thanks for your post, Lunatic Ways. Your input seals it for me. Specifically, that the ballast issue is separate and apart from the lamp issue. I had been wondering if a defective ballast was causing perfectly good lamps to blow prematurely. It now appears that, based on your input and other posts that I read, that these are two defects independent of each other. YES, PANASONIC SHOULD RECALL THE ENTIRE SET. But, I wouldn't count on that happening.. |
New member Username: DhadderPost Number: 5 Registered: Sep-05 | I just got my replacement lamp in the mail. I installed it and the set still doesn't come on. Do you think the ballast could be bad. Called panasonic only had to wait 20 minutes they are going to send a tech to fix it. They said he would bring a ballast with him just in case. Could it be a filter needs to be cleaned or something. |
Andrew Lawrence Unregistered guest | Daniel: Possibly a bad lamp or bad ballast. Could be something else.. That's good that you only had to wait 20 minutes on the phone and they are sending out a tech. Perhaps their customer service is improving.. |
New member Username: DhadderPost Number: 6 Registered: Sep-05 | Anonymous: What type of resistor did you replace the fuse with. Give us some more information about this. What and where is this filter you are talking about? |
New member Username: DhadderPost Number: 7 Registered: Sep-05 | Mike Krajewski: Have you heard anything else back from panasonic? |
Unregistered guest | I bought Panasonic LCD PT50LC13 in Feb 2004. Just after 1 yr warranty expired, in March 2005, bulb blew off. Bought new lamp for $300 and also signed for extended warranty with Panasonic. In Sep 2005 ie after 6 months lamp blew again. Paid another $300 for new lamp and also bought an expensive surge suppressor. I already wrote to Panasonic customer support. If there is class action being planned , who is colleced the names ? Thanks. Anil |
New member Username: TombPost Number: 6 Registered: Oct-05 | Good luck. This is a small representation of the total Panasonic user base. I am pretty sure you all represent a small minority of unlucky buyers..... Thats what they tell me anyway when I advise against buying RP micro displays becasue of all the issues I have read here! Oh well time buy a real TV...A Plasma or wait for SED. |
Andrew Lawrence Unregistered guest | PLEASE IGNORE POSTS FROM Fred Bailey or Tom Bong. It is the same idiot at work here. Anything he says should be discredited. This is a guy who does not know the difference between LCD and DLP technology. |
Sick of Tom user #200453 Unregistered guest | Also apparently doesn't know he could be booted from his ISP for continuing to harass these forums. He's been banned once, re-registering under a different handle is a clear violation of nearly every ISP on the face of the planet's terms of service. He's basically an internet criminal now and he knows it. His damaged moral barometer tells him he's doing the right thing, how could anyone trust or believe someone so ethically challenged? |
Anilca Unregistered guest | Called up Panasonic. They are investing my case, replacing my blown lamp and they have agreed to send a technician to look at the TV to determine, whether anything else needs to be done. I faxed them, proof of purchase of replacement lamp and sent them TV serial #. Replacement lamp is being sent today by UPS/Fedex Ground. On receipt of the lamp, I am supposed to send back the blown lamp. So far so good. Thanks to everyone who brought up their issues and their resolutions. Anil |
Chuck Hanson Unregistered guest | Where is the dust filter that keeps being mentioned here? My first bulb just blew at about 21 months and I'd like to extend the life of the new one if that's possible. |
Suicide Squid Unregistered guest | I posted about a month ago (before Bong took this thread way off topic and increased the noise ratio almost killing this thread) and here is my follow-up. After having my second lamp blow in 21 months, Panasonic sent me another lamp under warranty and sent a technician out to look at the set. I did not ask for this, but I think Panasonic is starting to get the hint and is sending techs if you have two lamps blow in as many years. It took a while to get the tech out to my place because I was on vacation, but this past week he showed up and told me that Panasonic told him to replace the Ballast and inspect the TV. This was paid for under "Panasonic Extended Warranty" which I don't have, but it must be what they told the tech for billing. The tech told me that the engineers at Panasonic are making changes to the ballast as they figure out problems and the one he installed is updated from the one one he removed from my TV. I don't know if these are major changes, but I hope it fixes the problem none the less. There will be no way to tell for 48 months, which is the BARE minimum I expect from a lamp with my usage (2500 hours in about 21 months.) Worse case is that it dies in 13-14 months after the lamp warranty ends. Maybe that is Panasonics plan and I shouldn't have had my ballast replaced. :-) So I am currently contenet with Panasonic and how they handled my situation to date. But I will be keeping my finger crossed. Thanks to Mike Krajewski, Andrew Lawrence, and the rest of you for all the useful information here and for keeping the pressure on Panasonic to do something about. It would have cost me alot of money in repairs and lamps otherwise. It does seem like Panasonic is taking steps in the right direction even if it is annoying and they have no sure-fire solution yet. Again there is no way to tell if this ballast is the fix for a few more years. |
hopeful Unregistered guest | I'm just beginning to see problems with my PT-50LC13 after nearly a year and a half of brilliant performance. I too would like to know about the mysterious filter....I took the cover off of the projector to test my overheating theory and the thing is working fine. Before that it would only work about 15 minute3s and then shut off.....any help with the filter? |
Andrew Lawrence Unregistered guest | Suicide Squid: Thanks for your recent update. Yes, it seems that Panasonic is becoming a little more responsive, but they still have a ways to go. Hopefully, the new ballast will be what you needed, but I'm a little skeptical. The reason being that there have been other posts where bulbs have blown prematurely subsequent to new ballasts being installed. So, it could be that you needed a new ballast to correct one issue and faulty bulbs may be a separate issue. In any case, you may not have to wait two years to know something. It could be a matter of months. If you have any further problems with your set, please share with us. |
Andrew Lawrence Unregistered guest | Hopeful: I wouldn't be too hopeful about this filter thing. As far as I know, there was only one post about the mysterous filter and this transistor thing. Frankly, until this person provides more details, I wouldn't deem this information as very credible. |
New member Username: SgbergPost Number: 1 Registered: Oct-05 | Thank You, Thank you, Thank you!!! I recently purchased a Panasonic PT-52LCX65 from and had delivery scheduled a few days from now. I'm glad that people care enough to make these issues known. I was about to throw $2200 down the drain. Anyone have any recommendations on another TV? |
Unregistered guest | My husband bought the Panasonic PT50LC13 in January 2003. In the two years we will have replaced the lamp 3 times and the ballast was replaced 6 months ago. Guess what? The lamp blew out again last night! We are totally frustrated! We purchased the 10 year warranty so everything is covered - the problem is that the repair company takes 2 weeks to come out - it took 3 weeks when the ballast went because no one keeps any parts in stock. We have a love/hate relationship with this TV! We will never buy another Panasonic! Is there a class action suit going - I would like to sign up! |
Andrew Lawrence Unregistered guest | Andrea P: Click on the link to sign up. |
Unregistered guest | Thank you, Andrew. I called Panasonic last night to discuss the problems I'm having with the lamps. I was treated rudely and was told that because I have the extended warranty that it's not Panasonic's responsibility anymore and that I now had to take the issue up with Best Buy. In the meantime I ordered a new lamp online to use until Best Buy can come out (usually 2-3 weeks). |
Anilca Unregistered guest | I received my replacement lamp from Panasonic this week and have started using it.(After two blown lamps in 19 months) So far so good. I am expecting a service guy to come and take a look at my set. Also signed the petition. Anil |
rpmade Unregistered guest | Could someone please post the link for the petition? I would like to add my name on this. |
Anilca Unregistered guest | rpmade Look at the above email by Andrew Lawrence. Anil |
lizza Unregistered guest | How can I sign a petition for a ty-la1000? It's been a month since the lamp is out, and I am hoping to find a solution. But no Luck. :-( |
ziff13 Unregistered guest | I have a Panansonic PT-45LC12, bought the TV in Sept 2002. I am on my 3rd lamp. After the last time I replaced the lamp the picture does not seem as bright, and is rahter dark at times. I got scammed!! $3,000 for a piece of defective junk!! I now have to listen to my wife tell me all the time, "You should have never spent that much money on a TV!...yada,yada,ect". THANKS PANASONIC! |
Bronze Member Username: Paul98Post Number: 11 Registered: Oct-05 | How often were you expecting to replace the lamp? Also does the lamp have a filter for dust? Also how often are you using the tv and are you turning it on and off in short periods of time? |
Worried Unregistered guest | I recently purchased a Panasonic PT-50LC14 and am worried after reading the postings on this site. If anyone has had any problems with this TV please let me know. |
Bronze Member Username: ChipheadPost Number: 11 Registered: Apr-05 | Worried: I purchased the PT50LC14 back in 04/05. I do not have an hour or LON count but it has been used quite a bit. No problems yet. You don't hear to much about this set which I take as a good thing. I'm very happy with mine. Good luck with yours. |
another lucky finder m-v Unregistered guest | just for the record.we bought PT-43LC14 on 02/29/05.we watch very little tv(i don't even have cable or satelite because i don't care for it),basically just several movies a week.some days ago tv just wouldn't turn power light was flashing,and so was the lamp one next to multi media card.we moved recently,so i couldn't find my receipt at first,but finally did,and found out that the lamp is broken.not a surprise for someone who read all your posts,i suppose. so,Worried,you should be worried a bit and consider purchasing extended warrenty or insurance from the store if you have LAMP # TY-LA 1000 (which you can find out by taking off the pannel following the instructions for your tv). the routine of calling costumer service is pretty good,the same as discribed by Suicide Squid above.their voice activated system indeed does work,and their waiting time estimates are off in favor of caller(it said twice 20 minutes or more,but got to me within 10). we'll see if that was the only problem,as they should be sending me a new lamp today. |
another lucky finder m-v Unregistered guest | just for the record.we bought PT-43LC14 on 02/29/05.we watch very little tv(i don't even have cable or satelite because i don't care for it),basically just several movies a week.some days ago tv just wouldn't turn power light was flashing,and so was the lamp one next to multi media card.we moved recently,so i couldn't find my receipt at first,but finally did,and found out that the lamp is broken.not a surprise for someone who read all your posts,i suppose. so,Worried,you should be worried a bit and consider purchasing extended warrenty or insurance from the store if you have LAMP # TY-LA 1000 (which you can find out by taking off the pannel following the instructions for your tv). the routine of calling costumer service is pretty good,the same as discribed by Suicide Squid above.their voice activated system indeed does work,and their waiting time estimates are off in favor of caller(it said twice 20 minutes or more,but got to me within 10). we'll see if that was the only problem,as they should be sending me a new lamp today. |
Worried Unregistered guest | I purchased this set from Costco and they don't provide a warranty except for the standard 6 months. When I called Panasonic, I was quoted a price of $600 for a 3 year warranty. This seems like a lot for only 3 years so I was thinking of returning it. The only problem then is finding a suitable replacement but I don't know too much about TVs. I'm looking for 42"-50" that is around $2K preferably including the stand. Thanks for your help. |
Anonymous | According to the Bong you get a life time warranty from Costco. Bring it back and get your money back. But any lamp driven tv must be turned on and off with care you have to wait before you can turn it back on after you have turned it off. |
Bronze Member Username: ChipheadPost Number: 12 Registered: Apr-05 | What is the reason to wait after turning off to repower? Just curious. If the fan is running as it always does and is still running while it is cooling down what does it matter other than the voltage surge on power up which happens every time you turn it on anyway? I've got mine on a ups which is crucial in the area I live-lots of brownouts and outages. Not looking to start a pissing contest just looking to further educate myself. Thanks. |
Bronze Member Username: MccambleyBREEZY POINT, NY USA Post Number: 27 Registered: Jun-05 | From Home Theater mag sept 2005,there are two basic bolb categories incandescent or arc.Most projectos (front or rear) use UHP lamps which are arc bulbs.Two electrodes are sealed in a quartz-glass tube,and an arc forms between them to create light. UHP lamps create so much heat that the electrodes melt slightly every time you use them, as the electrodes shrink from usage, the distance becomes to great for an arc to form. The lamp also ages with wear and it doesn't perform as well as when it was new. Its light output drops significantly over the first few hundred hours. Then it ages at a slower rate till it dies. UHP lamps can last anywhere from 2000 to 10000 hours. A lamp will last longer at a lower lamp setting than a high one.Also in genral , the more times yiu turnn the display on and off, the shorter the bulb will last, especially if you turn the display on and off in less than 20 minutes. |
Anonymous | I have thoroughly enjoyed my PT-50LC13 for 21 months until today. Under extended warranty (which expires 12/05) The TV just wouldn't turn back on the next day. Was told we needed a new bulb. Paid for next day shipping. Put new bulb in and still won't come on. Is this a ballast problem? Call Circuit City and it will take 2 l/2 weeks before tech comes out. How can I further press Panasonic because CC won't help? |
Bronze Member Username: ChipheadPost Number: 13 Registered: Apr-05 | Thanks Casey. ************************* Anon with the LC13, I'd press CC if they sold you the warranty. Panny is out of the picture because of the age of the set IMHO. Escalate your calls to CC, ask for the manager's manager etc. Mention the attorney general, Better Business Bureau, etc. |
JeanieK Unregistered guest | Where do I sign the petition??? First bulb went out after 18 months, replacement bulb lasted TWO MONTHS!!!!! I am pissed |
New member Username: Tonyb99Victoria, BC Canada Post Number: 1 Registered: Jun-05 | JeanieK wrote:- "Where do I sign the petition??? First bulb went out after 18 months, replacement bulb lasted TWO MONTHS!!!!! I am pissed" At least the bulbs were covered by Panasonics extended warranty, which they provided in response to this problem. |
tigerox Unregistered guest | I just received a letter from Panasonic offering me a 3yr extended warranty for $599. That seems ridiculously high - except for this lamp situation. Can someone confirm the details on the warranties. 1) I Bought the 60-LC14 in April. I understand the warranty on the TV is now 18 months. I already replaced one lamp in August under warranty. Panasonic will continue to replace my lamp for no charge for 18 mo after date of purchase, correct? 2) Each replacement lamp has a 1 yr warranty I believe. If I get a lamp replaced under warranty 17 months after date of purchase, will I get another 12 mos of coverage for that lamp? 3) If the lamp dies after the warranty period and I have to pay the $300 for a new one, that replacement is then covered for 12 mo, correct? 4) If I buy the extended warranty, does it cover the lamp replacement? |
Scott Jeffrey Unregistered guest | 45lc12 owner here. Set will power up, show an image for about 30 seconds, then go to black with the red "lamp" indicator flashing. Bulb appears to be intact and shows an image until it goes to black. So here's my quick question: Does a bulb have to "look" blown in order to be bad? Thanks in advance! |
lizza Unregistered guest | To sign petition please go to |
Campbella Unregistered guest | My PT-50LC14 bulb lasted only 4 months ![]() |
Silver Member Username: Wearenotalone69Post Number: 190 Registered: Aug-05 | MIKE DOH I'm wondering IF by "paying" with a credit card... IF that would somehow help us "Lamp based TV set owners out. What I mean is on some credit cards the warranty is doubled when paid for by credit card. If a lamp had a warranty of 1 year for example , it being doubled to 2 years. Only problem with that idea is most of the time when something is already under warranty the part is only warrantied for the remainder of the warranty. The fact they would be crediting you back for the purchase wouldn't help along those lines either. While I don't have a Panasonic, I feel that the mfg's of the sets /lamps should HONOR that rated run time REGARDLESS of date of purchase. To me 6,000, 8,000, 10,000 hours means just that. |
humenic Unregistered guest | So it happened to me today, no picture, lamp warning light blinking red. Question.... How can I determine how many hours the lamp was on for if I have no picture? |
SherryB Unregistered guest | My 2nd bulb just burned out this morning. :-( Its sad, the TV is so great when its working. I'm going to try my luck with 800-211-PANA and try for a balast tomorrow. I am glad I sprung for the 4 year extd warranty at Best Buy!! If you guys are still shooting for a class action, I'll be glad to sign up. I've signed the petition and so has my hubby (on the 2nd bulb). |
Unregistered guest | Felt compelled to add my report to the mix: PT-60LC13, Purchased 7-04, 2200 hours, 1500 LON Set went out 10-24. Called Panasonic that afternoon and described problem as lamp indicator flashing every 5 seconds. I asked if the warranty was extended to 18 months and she confirmed (thanks to this forum, btw). She said that they *may* want to replace the ballast too. Faxed in the paperwork. A new lamp showed up on Wednesday 10-26. I called Panasonic again and spoke to a tech to see if they decided on whether a local service tech would be sent. He said it was already in the works. I called the local service guy and they had it in the system. They were waiting for parts (new ballast) and would let me know when it came in. Sure enough, the local guy scheduled a visit for Saturday afternoon and had it up and running within an hour. I don't know if my experience differs from others but I was very pleased with the Panasonic techs (Lee Ann and Al) and, of course, the warranty extension. Given some horrible experiences with Sony and others this was a breath of fresh air. So YMMV but my situation turned out OK so far (we'll see how long the new bulb lasts). Enough so that I'll be putting Panasonic on the top of the list when it comes time for new stuff. Knock on wood... |
Anonymous | May I ask if you all can post the model (some of you did but many didn't) of your unit that fails, that will help those with slightly newer models to prepare (for the better or worse). I do not see many with the PCxxLC14 (which I own) reporting issues in this thread. I'll keep the fingers cross. |