Although all channels are back, some channels freeze after few seconds. the picture will not come back until the channel is changed or power is cycled. But some channels are good. I know that the Satcruisers use the STMicroelectronics STi5518 CPU which has a clock rate of 81 MHz. I understand that the new fix would work best on CPUs with clock speed of over 150 MHz. But if that is true then I should not be able to watch any TV. But that's not the case, I can watch CNN channel 200 for hours but CNN Headline News freezes. I run a StarCruiser9000 with a 81 MHz CPU.
I have the same problem but when I use a second connection with different set of swiches it's better but not perfect.81/91/105/110/119/121.diseq+22kz switches.Think some swithes better than others.Also check connections the "O" ring compresses and loosens terminal.
Yeah same thing happens to me...the picture freezes..then I have to change the channel and come back to the original channel...and it will work... I am using the clone safe 277 on FLU.
I have a feeling the new bin is a little buggy... or, receiver is sometimes having a hard time keeping up with sped-up data stream (from handshake being re-introduced and higher level of encryp).
Everything worked fine before ECM and new bin, and i haven't changed anything since then. I hope it's just a bug that can be fixed.