privet kolyan.ya napisal site gde ya videl file dlya moego.poprobui tam zaregestrirovatsa i proverit'.ya absolyutno ne uveren cho tot file chto oni vylozhili dlya pansat 2700a ne kakaya-nibud' hernya.boyazno zakachivat'.udachi
Da eto tochno... ya uje neskolko ras spalil svoy reciever bolshe ne hochetsia. A u tebia ppv kakienibud' est'ili HBO, potomuchto u menia tolko 5 ppv is 30 and sovsem net ni kakih premium movie canalov.
ok.nick asking for help with pansat 2500.i answered that i have info only about 2700a model and i'm not sure this bin is not a fake one.good luck tyler
Tyler Durden We are just talking if it is safe to try and load that bin from that site coz we are not shure if it is no a killer but you are welcom to try.
Yeah I guess you are right hope that the coders come up with the results soon or mayby I learn how to create bins myself. I got this soft that can read the codes fo the bin files the only problem is that it looks like a pile of garbege ol these numbers and symbols.