well I would love to get my ppv and xxx back,I'd rather have regular channels for now.Thanks dafee.I really hope it doesn't fry my box.I've had my box back from the shop only 1 hour and I gotta reinput everything now.
remember that even though its supposedly clone safe bin.... its not 100% safe make sure u dont download the first bl release after the fix, if there is one...
julie, load an old non auto roll bin and just enter the keys manually for now. If I remember correctly, you ran into some jtag problems a week ago. wait for a new bin. shouldn't be too long now...I hope.
yeah I got my box in the shop on Saturday and just got it back today.I entered in X-85CS_060317_271T2_DN_BEV_RTN_TVE_4sec_api(N) to use for now.Just redownloading the stations.I entered in the keys for bev manually.When I checked before though,it said scrambled or bad channel