i hope I dont offend anyone with this post but somehow its true... The FTA world will rememember the day when all sat went down and Viewzat was the first to get a fix... The competition did not have the resources,or chose not,to find a fix. As it may seem, some can say that pans and other receiver makers were waiting on a fix to tagg along... anyhow the pressure is on -- Pansat should better find a fix fast, b/c Viewsat fix is great marketing tool that has made them a notch stronger... Props to the new leader..
Today it's Viewsat, tomorrow it'll be another. What happens when this is all over with and Pansat comes out with the new HD stb? And then cools@ has one too? It's all just a game.
I am just happy that there is muliple vendors of equipment. If there was only one vendor, I can't imagine what the price per unit would climb to.Competition keeps the market healthy and the vendors trying harder for our hard earned dollars.
As long as there is a competition to be first out with a fix or product. The better it is for us.
Kudos to Viewsat. Tyler's right, it's a game with big payoffs for receiver companies. I heard Blacklist is on vacation for a few more days. lol. Looks like Pansat is not too worried.
You could go out and waste your money on a viewsat or you could do the sensible thing and wait and see what happens.If you still have 90% of the channels then it is just stupid to fork out bucks for another receiver just yet.Yes you may pay more later for it if it becomes the bomb.But at least by that time you will know if its the real deal or not.
I've been testing for a year and it's hilarious everytime the hammer falls. True all still functioning without PPV and Nudies on Pansats, etc. Testers should live with that and wait it out. HOWEVER, alternatives and the next step up should be sought. Faster encryption from Charlie will be borrowed from Dave and older technology will not be able to keep up. The only technology seemingly not affected this go round is Rom 102 with the 301-013 units. Check out Ebay in particular. They are selling like wildfire. Take heed. This is the prinicipal technique used by Dave's rebels and it will be the same with Charlie. Why? The hypothesis is simple. Majority card testers pay a minimum $ub. Dave and Charlie know this. They also know that it is much more expensive and technically demanding to maintain. Therefore, they initially direct attention to the masses. "Test, don't guess." -- my father "Greed is a fat demon with a small mouth and whatever you feed it is never enough."-Janwillem van de Wetering
[..somebody discovers something, the rest will all follow!...] thats the main difference between a leader and a follower.. who is the moron now? leaders make rules; followers live by them Appearantly in the FTA world, being leader does count... Strategically speaking, Pansat is at a weak point for not being the first to relase a fix (and for not announcing their progress).
If Viewsat wanted to be mean and wanted to completely take over they would release a HD receiver...
Hi all for the ariza extreme how to make it work. Push the menu button on remote then advanced then highlight Reset factory date dont click anything press buttons 1234 go to nagraVision Delete all keys if you dont use dish try entering the keys according to bev requirements this is how i did it working great for me. except for 1 thru 8 1- 000101 00 these are for DN 1-4 2- 000101 10 3- 000101 01 4- 000101 11 5- 000001 00 5-8 are for bev possibly as i don't use bev I have all 0s for keys 6- 000001 10 7- 000001 01 8- 000001 11 correct me if i
this is the stretegy of DN people to fed up the hackers they want us to pay and watch but we are nbot going to do this this is something a challenge for all of us are ready to accept this DARELY
In a month from now, everyone will have forgotten about Viewsat and the new bins they released!!!...they will be back to just another FTA maker..Pansat is NOT weaker...they will come out with new bins and they'll be heroes for awhile...then they come out with a new HD receiver that doesn't work half the time, and the people will RAVE how they are the leaders..people have short memories!...and the younger the dumber usually!...thats where world life experiences come in..its called the life cycle..