That's right naysayers.. Now testing PPV! Now testing por n! I cannot release just yet, but IT WORKS! I wish to thank some people in the hobby who have staunchly been there and helped make all of this happen.. Thanks goes to C.C. for having the best technical board around (sad to see them go). Thanks to pfg08 for his reply in a specific thread there that REALLY helped. Thanks to Blackie, Cardman, Need, dxsat and others for never snubbing thier nose at me & for dumps & info..
Most of all, thanks to 1 VERY special coder in Korea, who has barely slept at all..
Coming SOON! Viewsat Rocks the industry AGAIN, as their box continues to be pound for pound the MOST bang around..
This sounds just like what happened with the HU card (DTV), people say their testing it and it works...well give it to use and let us see what works....