Maybe another good news for FTA


Silver Member
Username: Boyce

Post Number: 180
Registered: Apr-06
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Here is interesting news..and it sounds good...

Originally Posted by thedssguy
C&P from Penga

"guys, if you all read the hash on the rom code is why rom 10 will die. the control words are hashed with the rom code in the 102. this can be moved to any location they want inside the rom, map, eeprom. and then hash that value with the control words. think of it like the key that made the control word, then it needs the same key at the same location to decrypt the control words out. understand.

so a rom 10 will not have the rom at the same spot the rom102 will. so when hashed it will not return the proper control words. the key will not match. this is why rom 10,11, atmega, fta will die.

now fta has room to put all the rom 102 code on the FTA. just need them to do it. basically, a look up table. including eeprom,map, and rom.

I think FTA will survive this. doesnt seem like it would be to hard to place the rom 102 onto a FTA unit in a lookup table fashion and then hash it out. to give proper contorl words.

Control words given by the cmd 07 is the key to tv. if you have the control words,you have got 15 seconds of video. thats how the system works. in a nut shell."

Been on this some 21 hrs. now and this may be what the coders have over looked (lookup table), Now I have to wait for them to wake up so we can start again... They're close now.. VERY close.. TDG
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