I burned the switch that came with my pansat (4 ports) so can I use a dishnetwork switch (with 2 ports) to get 110 and 119 with my pansat 2700a?? How do I program it?
You can try it and see. wouldn't take more than 5 minutes. Just unplug the receiver before doing anything to the switch and then once set up, turn it on and select the ports in the antenna installation. So you'd choose which LNB is getting 110 and assign that to port 1 in the DISEqC section of the menu by moving left or right, then the 119 to port two. If it works then yes, you can use that switch. If it doesn't work, then no you can't use that switch.
Thank you Tyler I plugged 119(echo7) to port 1 and 110(echo8) to port 2, I did the antenna set up, I got all the 119 chanels fine, but the thing that I don't understand is why am I getting all the same 119 channels when I do the scan for DISEqC #2 which is echo 8.6 (110)
You're getting signal on 110 when you go to a 110 channel? Just want to make sure that the LNB isn't out of whack. And you have 110 set as #2 in menu? You could try switching the ports at the switch and then see if you get 10 but not 19? Perhaps port 2 is blown on that switch. Or a bad LNB? Or maybe you can't use a DN switch. I'll check in some of the other threads and let you know if I can find anything on the switch. But I can't see why it wouldn't work??
Karla, Hope you haven't put the shoes on and got the ladder just yet. Did a quick search (sorry, limited time before) and the sw21 will not work with a Pansat. On the up side, depending where you live, DISEqC switches go for between $7 and $15. Sorry.
Yes I get a signal on 110, it even shows that is that satellite (echo8), I do have 110 on #2 but it still shows channels from 119. LNB is working fine. I'm gonna try to use my old switch maybe they will work on DISEqC #3 and #4