Yousuf, Are you using a usb cable? If so, many problems with them. Make sure your drivers are up to date, but then again, that may not help either. Best bet is to go comm port to back of receiver with the proper cable.
Kevin, There are about 100 posts here at eCoustics alone with how to manually enter keys. I suggest you read a few of them. You will be amazed at what your Pansat can do, and how much you can learn in such a short time.
If it works like the 3500SD you open your loader get the factory bin ready in the binfile and then turn on the Pansat and when the led comes on click on download and wait until it's done.When it starts to reboot turn it off and do the same for you 174 bin.
This is what you need to get your puppy working. 1. X-05BL_loaderV3.37 2. Factory Deafault Bin 3. X-87BL-060526_271_db_api.bin (Rel. 05/26/06) This is for the Pansat 2700a using that CS 147T bin, if U have power...then your receiver is fine..and I can see U need to READ, READ, READ..U ned to read the Manuals and Guides for the 2700 receievr...they are everywhere except here!...all other DSS sites have manuals, guides, bins, files etc but this site...this site is for amusement ONLY!
there is NOTHING U can do about a BEV ECM!...these are designed by many Bev engineers and can be changed by them to another ECM in a moments notice...this is BIG Business and corporations!
forget that the latest 271 bin...but it has ocassionally freezing with some receivers, but not 2 receivers react the same!...thats ELECTRONICS!...and try using different loaders...i like BL 1.4...dsscommunity.c*om has all the bins, manuals, guides, loaders, the Pansat area of their forums...U must register there first....FREE!...and read before U post!
this is the new bin for Pansat 2700 X-87BL_060526_271_db_api.bin and use the Blacklist loader for it you can find this bin and all others on FSFTA Site
also I notice U are using a laptop...if NO serial portsd, ONLY USB U probably never will write a bin...most USB ports and cable adapters don't work and U MUST have the correct drivers...had U read a little BEFORE U started this U would have saved youeself alot of money...U might need to get an older desktop computer with serial ports ...and just cause it loaded once , doesn't mean U can duplicate it again...U must be persistent and try various loaders, bins, comport settings, differnt cables, usb adapters etc....U got yourself in a mess with that laptop and USB ports!
copy/paste....No guarantees this works, but try it....I think much has to do with your particular computer, getting an adapter that is compatable, and your computer operating sysytem..
Found this info on an other site - works perfectly!
Pay attention to the install hints!
USB to RS232 serial for laptops an $8.13 solution that works!
I already had the serial DB9 null female to female straight through (for Pansat) signal, cable that I was using on my desktop for receiver upgrades.
I used the following to get my HP Laptop model Pavilion ze5170 to download and upload to and from Pansat 2500A at high speed (less than 2 minutes) for Bin files and even faster on the channel lists. I went on Ebay and did advanced search for seller named Superdeal-01 using USB to RS232 as search argument. Their price was the lowest total I could find with all the following included: Buy it now Price $1.09, Shipping with insurance $6.95, Tax $.09. Total cost $8.13. Using Paypal as my payment method. It was delivered to my door in 3 days via USPS. The product is new in package and includes: A good quality 1 foot USB to DB 9 pin serial cable adapter. A CD with drivers and read me instructions for installation.
Install Hints: I recommend printing out the read me USB to RS232 serial install instructions (2 pages) to use during the install.
The DB9 end of cable has some proprietary bridge connection chips in it. Caution; this type of adapter cable remembers which one of the USB connection ports you originally installed it on, and can not find the port if you later plug it into a different USB port. So choose the physical USB port you want to use for installation and always plug the cable adapter into that same port when interfacing with the receiver.
During install when you get to the step that shows the Comm Port choice, open it to see what Comm ports are being used currently in the 1 to 4 areas. My HP said Comm1 and Comm3 were in use, so I put it on Comm 4 to avoid conflicts. Just choose any port not in use between 1 and 4. The programs G tools and Channel Master will allow you to choose comm. Ports 1 thru 4 while interfacing to your Receiver. Both programs set the transfer rate at 115200kbs even though the receiver and cable adapter operate at 19200kbs. So during install when you set the comm port to an unused one also set the baud rate to 115200kbs. Doing this lets the hardware choose the fastest baud rate for the transfer of data. If you omit this step it will take 15 minutes or longer to download a Bin file. Whereas setting the baud rate to 115200kbs got it done in under 2 minutes. I now use Channel Master exclusively as it is much better when working with channel lists.
After install check your comm ports to see what is being used I.E.: On windows XP Click Start, RIGHT click My Computer, click properties, click hardware, click device manager, click ports (LPT and Com) you should see the new one named Prolific USB-to-serial comm. Port (1-4) listed, with the number being the one you chose earlier during install, RIGHT click it. Click properties, Click port settings, Click advanced to change the comm. Port setting if needed. That is it, works great for me on both download and upload and sure beats disconnecting and dragging receivers to my old desktop for an upgrade _________________ Dishnet keys.. [link removed]&start=255