C/P from F2ATV...Here is an update on the 4 days of hell we all just went thru. Until the server was stressed we had no idea that someone was doing bad things. When we hit 5700 users online a few days ago the bandwidth went thru the roof topping above 10 mbits for 2 days straight. Our first thought was we were being attacked, little did we know it was a bunch of sorry leechers that are too cheap to pay for their own bandwidth. dss central now has nothing but 404 page errors showing on all of there files posted. Why you may ask? Simple they won't be leeching from this site anymore and if they choose to do so then I hope they like the present we fixed up just for them. Not it's not a hack or anything mean like that or leeching. We don't stoop to levels like that. You would think if you had enough money to import FTA boxes (neusat), have warehouses and employees then you could pay a web bill.
To all the members I apologize for having you all shut out over the last few days but really it wasn't us, but in fact the low life scumbags that did it. Please bear with us while we fix all the damage that was done. It is nothing we can't fix it will just take a little time to fix it back up all nice and cool looking again. Everything else still works though so enjoy.
I attached a pdf file from dss central that shows they had a copy of our site stored on their server. All they could copy was what any registered user could and could not access the sites functions or anything to violate your security.
Seems people on that site would click links to files that were in the copy and it would pull the file from here lol. A pretty cool trick but not cool to do to anyone. The down side anyone could of also been running bots to make it pull mass amounts of files at 1 time causing us a system drain. They were not the only ones doing it just the ones we were able to capture a pdf of the page. In the future should you be on any site and click a link and you see a big popup that says "Warning this file has been leeched from f2atv.com please come visit us to get the needed file" don't think we where hacking them, its just our way of showing they are leechers getting files from here.
Again sorry for all the troubles you all had getting in I hope this will explain it. Some may need to right click and save as on the pdf file.