Toshiba DLP HM195 Series - Missing Tweeters! You too?


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Username: Paulie

Post Number: 1
Registered: May-06
I made an unpleasant discovery when taking off the left and right grilles of my new 72HM195 DLP TV - Toshiba advertises in all the literature for the HM195 series that there are "separate woofers and tweeters." This is a lie. For you HM195 owners you can take off the grilles yourself and look at the four 4" drivers (2 each side) and the four holes for the two tweeters each side that have been covered up by tape. When you take the speaker assembly off there are two 16 ohm drivers wired together, with no caps or anything. Thus they are being driven full range.

The sockets are there for separate tweeters but the holes are covered up at the factory, moreover even the service manual for HM195 series SHOWS NO TWEETERS. Thus a change was made between spec time and actual production, these TVs were made without tweeters. All four midbass drivers are the exact same rating and part number.

Toshiba techs are clueless as they cant figure out where the tweeters are, and dont know who would handle addressing the issue of not being delivered what owners were promised in the advertising - separate tweeters and woofers.

Anyone have any advice? My 72" and my buddy's 62" HM195 are the same - no tweeters. Is there some way to get Toshiba to address this, or at least change their marketing sheets for this TV to address the production change to eliminating tweeters from the design? Thanks for any info.


New member
Username: Tacticaltank

Post Number: 4
Registered: May-06
How do you take out the grill i have the same model 72hm195 i have to find out!!

do you resolve this issue?


New member
Username: Paulie

Post Number: 4
Registered: May-06
Bottom two screws on each side hold the grills on, plus there are pop fittings closer to the center (but dont worry about them).

Take off the left side as it's easier. Remove the bottom two screws from behind the left bottom corner of the screen. You should see the end of the grill come loose, Then simply pull away from the tv gently and the pop fittings will pop loose, at the end of the grill is a tab that fits into the front center. You should be able to pull the grill off no problem. Then look at the two woofers. Between them are two holes covered by black fuzzy tape. They are where the tweeters were supposed to go. If you actually have tweeters you are a lucky man. Otherwise you are like the rest of us, tweeter-less.

I bought some 2-way crossovers and 1/2" tweeters from to make it work like it's supposed to, on my own.

New member
Username: Paulie

Post Number: 5
Registered: May-06
Okay, did my mod with a 2-way crossover and 4-ohm 1/2" automotive tweeter. No response still from Toshiba as to exactly why the TV is tweeter-less.
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