appears the Spanish Eva Diaz nick is contadicting what U say...she must think she knows more than U too now..I know U've been around a while now and have gotten your feet really wet by now...she is a total newbie here who knows NOTHING but sure likes to strut her stuff and I guess she told U...what makes her the authority on the 273T bin being better than the 274T bin!....NOTHING!...except she thinks she can get away with bossing people around and being in control JUST because she uses a Spanish female nick...who is actually Kneegrows and Maple Leaf using another alias..
I love you too LK. The atraction is mutual. Remember your pills for high blood pressure, you can avoid another stroke. And Grim love and peace. Easy with me. Im the LK new obsession. lol This place is great.
lol wrong again LK i never use nick in all the web except (evadelparaiso) for emails account. And maybe I use internet before do you question to yourself what is that box? Remember do not dream about me. Only here you can think about me. Love and Peace
liar ska*nk..thats what I think of U...U are just an old troublemaker here with a new chick nick!
BTW...U are wrong about the bins to use also!
How can someone like U who allegedly has 2 young children to take care of , find time to work, post here all day and night, and post over 20x a day, while also watching children, being a mother, cooking, cleaning, educating your kids ....and maintain and design your own web site too! ....along with reading and teaching others about FTA....THATS A NICE TRICK!....I'm retired and have alot ot time to do whatever I want...but U are a mother of young children with your own web site too....cut the BS!....anyone with half a brain and add 1+1 =2, but NOT in your case!....U couldn't possibly be a good parent AND do all these other things U claim and hang here all day and night too!
Yes i am and can read all your post too. Thanks for remember the great person and mother than I am, but you dont know i Have my own company too. And my two childs are great. Do you dont have family lk? We love veterans people too. You will be a great grandpa i know.
You can corroborate any of this information, do not confuse my person with you person. Do you are an old man. Do you deserve my respects. So go to answer the thread. Lk look and learn. Welcome to 2000.
sharuk goto dsscomunity,com you can get the 274t bin and blacklist loader there if you need it.youll have to register but its free and youll find lots of good info without all the bull
Another EVA reply which has nothing to do with the thread or problem...she/he is an OBVIOUS FAKE!...knows absolutely NOTHING about FTA...all her/his posts clearly demonstrated that tonight..
she/hecame to this site with a new alias and an agenda to start trouble with me, just as I always suspected!...a blind man can see that now!...the Spanish thread and speaking was "the HOOK" for me, knowing how I feel about immigrant bills in Congress etc, which I had posted about....then got all the Spanish on her side, pissed me off, then imaged herself as a helpful honest beautiful little innocent spanish business girl...WHAT A SCAM!
She/he is a FAKE!!! used to get rid of me here as have past troublemakers have tried!...SO OBVIOUS now..look at the time of her post 1:46am, but she is a young mother with 2 small children, a web site to maintain, another company she owns to operate, a home to maintain, and can still be here FAKING her FTA replies..SHE IS A TOTAL FAKE and LIAR!...
she/he is the mods and troublemakers here...she/he set me up and all of U up HOOK , LINE and SINKER!...EVA is a FAKE!!!!...a blind man can see thru this scam against me and the hoax being pulled on all of you..
I sense that someone is jealous of Eva...he's afraid that his english writing skills are not as good as hers. LK I can just picture you sitting behind your computer turning red getting all pissed off, jumping up and down, and hitting things..LOL You get so worked up! It's a freaking forum for crying out loud! Do you dream of Eva at night when you sleep? Give it a rest and talk FTA!
LK is helpful. DeMan and wakenbake, could you point me to one of your posts that were helpful? ... or one of Eva's that wasn't only helpful because it was a paste of one of LK's advice or something available on other sites?
I am a real newbie and hope this observation does not sound stupid ... but I have noticed that if I do a search of what I want to watch on the guide, and then erase all channels and do a scan, then, select a channel quickly, I can watch it for hours ... but when I try to change the channel - all are black screen. If this is the future of FTA - I can live with this!
LK. Go somewhere else Please!!! One of the other forums you claim to be at can put up with your whinning, but no more here. It's getting to be old news.
Bev will probably die today on every channel due to past Friday's major ECM, and there is NO fix in sight for maybe a few weeks...Dishnet could be next!
Maple...quit following me around like a little school girl in heat..