bin 274-cla, which is clone safe, not 100% safe, since its killed a particular clone, as per the testers, is out. i loaded it a few hours ago and its still going strong. it has the features as the recent released 2700a and 3500s/sd. it has a downloadable guide, correct time settings, and a lil extra, soccer schedule when u hit menu.. i found it in the pantec section at dsstester... test it out... oh well if you have a genuine pansat there is the 274-bl (the cl is recommended if there is problems with the 274). oh and I have to say.. the bin did not go in smoothly. I got it after like 10 tries... loading the original bin, loading it multiple times, and using different dl. well good luck and i hope u dont have as much trouble as i did. oh and hope ur box doesnt fry,... since there is not much positive/negative feedback. anyway ur on ur own if u want to test--- i know i am
still up after several hours; best guide for 2500 series yet.. i guess this is a good bin afterall. in case anything happens ill post to keep pipo up to date au revoir
Im talking comparison with past 2500 bins. There is now an actual guide. Its not the full 8hr guide like its claimed, but something its something. you can set the actual time with pacific, mountain, central times, etc... what im refering too, is that you can switch a channel and automatically see whats on without having to wait like with the past 2500 bins... im not saying its better than 2700, 3500, none the less the viewsat or cool sat,; its just a great improvement for the 2500's (something i didnt think would be possible due to its limited software upgradeability).
Cool. No, I got the comparison with 2500 bins. Just thought it might be useful for everyone who has a 2500. And your explanations are always well thought out and concise.
well actually there is a 274t, found it the fortec bins, frankly i dont know which is better... ill stick with the 274-cla for now,. till people start posting and stuff. Maybe they are the same bin-- 274 cl has a portion of our planet and stars as its desktop...