New member Username: DigicellPost Number: 1 Registered: May-06 | I have a 61.5 and 110 for DN, and just recently upgraded the firmware to 2.73 with autoroll... however, quite a few of the channels that i was getting before (i.e. a lot of the ppv's and south asian channels, etc) are missing. also, a lot of the channel names are "TV ###"... i've tried power scanning, and going back to factory settings but nothing seems to do the trick. I'm still fairly new at this so i'm not sure if a channel list for 61.5 and 110 would be the solution... but i can't seem to find one. is that what i need, or am i missing something else? By the way I'm using a Ariza 700 reciever. thanks. |
Bronze Member Username: JohnnerPost Number: 99 Registered: Nov-05 | 61.5 ? i have not seen a TP change on that sat but try deleting all the channels in the 61.5 and do a blind scan. |
Silver Member Username: EvadelparaisoPuerto Rico Post Number: 126 Registered: May-06 | Posted on Friday, April 14, 2006 - 07:37 pm: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here's some info for you that are too lazy to join a reputable site like dsscommunity.c*om or dsstester.c*om .....where they have REAL INFO and FILES and BINS.. Echostar X is NOW ONLINE! Last night Echostar X fired Up its first transponders and the first LIL channels moved to their new home on Echostar X. Tonight the following cities are scheduled to move to Echostar X. Flint-Saginaw, MI (Moving from 121 to 110) Detroit, MI (Moving from 110 and 61.5) Grand Rapids, MI (Moving from 119 to 110) Duluth-Superior MN-WI Houston, TX (Moving from 119 and 148 to 110) Joplin-Pittsburg MO-KS (Moving from 105 to 110) Philidelphia, PA (Moving from 110 and 61.5 to 110) Yakima (from 110 and 119 to 110) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- yea great news we going to have more channels thanks for de info -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I assume the international channels are being moved to 110, does that mean that we'll just have another 61.5, 148 and 121 with the regular 110 lineup? And if so, will charlie be taking any of the above mentioned off air? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Right now they are just moving locals....there's just no way to tell where everything else will end up. Charlie's moving a second bird to 119 as well. He has a long term lease on the 105 and owns the 121. It's just going to take some time to see where everything will settle out. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Great info, thanks! I'd been trying to find out what's up with echo 10, my locals are on 105 and I'd like to instead task my primestar LNB to 97W. I had it for a while then missed my locals. BTW, what is the second bird at 119? I hadn't heard about that. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From what Ive heard, they are putting HD locals on the echoX. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As of right now there are no HDTV channels on E*10. The 129 bird has a whole slew of HDTV locals. The "old" 110 has a few HDTV channels as well. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with all the moving of channels and such one should consider the following, at some point all service will have to be on the standard cluster of burds, ie 110/119, they may move a lot of stuff around but i doubt seriously they want to go to all customers locations and realign dishes to accomodate the moves to new burds... not sure if im makin sense or not, but i guess what im saying is give it a lil time here, things will get back to normal.... they wouldnt wanna pay techs and the quantity is over whelming, making total drastic changes like that is NOT cost effective..... sounds like the new 10/X might be for the premium hd service in the end... who knows but its my .02384732 cents worth |