Hey guys, I was reading through this forum and checked around google and didn't find anyone who had my problem. I got a beautiful LG HDTV and everything was great until I found out that one of the Componant inputers ran at 720p rather than 1080i bleh. But the main input will run 1080i so I figured I'd go buy an input switcher so I could hook up both the HD tuner and my Xbox 360. After a bit I noticed a funny purple and green bar that is hardly visable run up the screen. It started to bug me so I went and replaced the cable and got a new much higher quality switcher. Now it still has those funny bars that run slowly up the TV. I tried plugging both the Xbox and the tuner into the TV alone on the 1080i input and theres no bars, but only when I have them hooked up to a switcher does it do this. Anyone got any ideas?