Geez...I wonder whose signature that is, that has those 3 links....LMAO....I think it looks real familiar...and what a smart dude to put those links in his signature!
I believe its in about 1800 U can go to dsscommunity and the Dishnet N2 keys, the Panset setup guide, and Keymaster file can be found at 1800 different places... thats why I always said dsscommunity makes things easier to find....LMAO....geez what a smart idea, szot the mod/admin has there!....LMAO and ROTF
Listen you stupid fcuking porch need to stay away from that sells your emails to spam companys and you get a shittload of spam in your inbox...I would recommend totalfta . com, I think the cripple boy has been scuking too much of Soullez's c0ck...ROTF